i am a 56 year old female, i have multiple health issues, gunshot to head in 1985, i have a 22 cal. slug in occipital and a vp shunt, ihave had cervical cancer with matasis in 2001, renal cell carcinoma in 2006, hosimotos 2008. i have had my right kidney and adrenal removed, my thyroid removed, my gal bladder and appendic, lymph nodes in abdoman removed, lymph node in neck removed, and multiple cysts and lipomas removed etc. i have been diagnosed with arthritis, hidradenitis supporativa, ibs, radiation colitis, i have elavated blood pressure, high cholestorol, also i have mitral valve prolapse. i ve been sweating, can not regulate heat or cold, i have pain in my sternum, dizziness, i also have a hiatal heria, i have been to cadioligist,and er with this sternum pain, diagnosis was not able to be made, heart attack was ruled out, i was told i may have a deffect in lung area, also i have a lung granuloma. found on a ct in 2006. i have been sent away from dr offices that refused me as a patient, told by nuerologist that i have hypothalamas problems and on and on. i try to work out every day and help myself all i can. the pain has ben present for years in my chest but now getting much worse. i am real and at a loss . can you help me?