What Causes Blurred Vision And Headaches?
Detailed Answer:
If this type of headache and the blurred vision are new for you, not something you have experienced before that was diagnosed already or attributed to a specific thing, then I recommend that you go in to be seen tonight.
While too much light or focusing too long on a computer screen can sometimes cause headaches, it is not typically a cause for sudden onset of blurred vision. People's vision can change overtime and become blurry, needing a new or different glasses prescription, but this does not happen abruptly either.
So I recommend that you go in to be seen now. Probably best to go in to an ER, as I don't know the quality of staffing or testing that's available at your local urgent care clinic. In the ER, make sure that you are seen by a doctor, and not a PA or NP (physician's assistant or nurse practitioner). The doctor will examine your eyes, possibly with a retinoscope, and do a neurological exam. In addition, depending on your history and exam, they may also want to get a head CT.
So do get this checked out if it is a new symptom.
I hope this information helps. Regarding the company saying that a doctor will respond immediately, that unfortunately doesn't always happen if there aren't doctors on line who can take your question. The company is in a different country, not the US, where apparently they can make such claims. I'm sorry.