What Causes Body Ache, Headache, Neck Pain, Sore Throat, Fever And Nausea?
rest, fluids, paracetamol, chloroseptic
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
AS you may suspect, you likely have a viral illness, this is the most common cause for the symptoms that you are describing.
In most cases, the infection reaches its peak by day 2 to 4, then plateaus and then there should be improvement.
The advil should be continued, paracetamol can be added to this to help bring down the temperature and help with pain control.
Cool liquid/food, tepid sponge bath would help with the temperature as well.
Chloroseptic spray or gargle or diflam or covonia spray- can be used to help with the sore throat
Dramamine or peptobisomol would help with the nausea
Rest would also be very important
Additional symptoms may develop as the illness evolves eg cough,runny nose, abdominal symptoms
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions