What Causes Body Aches And Stomach Pain After Taking Lemon Water?
So how could this be? Is it perhaps a detox effect? From a couple tblsp.? Hard to believe. Don't want to give up such a healthful thing unless I have to. So that's my question. Thanks!
gastric discomfort reduce lemon change time
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and I understand your concern. These symptoms are quite unlikely due to lemon juice directly. However the timing of taking thay early morning is not wise. Use a brunch time when stomach is empty but intestines are not.
Try natural products instead of some processed lemon juice. Lemon is a vitamin c rich source and I appreciate this effort to stay healthy and free of oxidants.
However doing it wrong might have compromised the gastric mucosa and caused slight discomfort. Reduce the concentration of the lemon and drink more fluids. I am sure you will feel the difference.
As far as these discomforts are concerned the some pepto and the fibrous diet and plenty of fluids.
These are slight stomach discomforts and likely to resolve by reducing lemon concentration. Consult a gastroenterologist if the symptoms persist.
I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and don't forget to close the discussion please.