What Causes Boils Inside Mouth After Having Multivitamins?
My son has adenoids from a year. After consultation with end and pead Dr given him multivitamin, levocetrici Mont, a and used memo spray last year. He is OK from last 6 months.. .. . Again he got adenoids this October so Dr gave antibiotics and treated. But he mouth breathing and mild sounds in night. So we planned for ayurveda medicines and started treatment from a week. Dr gave syrup diya swasasri pravahi 1spoon and mixer of four powder 1/4th spoon daily twice. I'm giving from last Saturday from yesterday he got 2boils like pimple in his mouth. And he not willing to take any food hot or little spice too. What caused this boil. I gave jeera water morning to cool. Is this due to medicines or medicines causing deficiency.. ? Stood curd and fruits.. .. . Expect pomegranate and papaya.
Prophylactic Aspect and need more details
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Thanks for contacting Ayurveda with your health concern.
1. Since opinion of ENT and Pedia doctor is sought, do let me know about the immunization status [till date] and any associated tonsillits/pharyngitis?
2. as he is mouth breather and snores at night it is because adenoids causes difficult breathing through nose]
3. any middle ear infection [past/present]?? or history of sinus infection?
4. any change in quality of voice [nasal twang]?
5. any problem of breathing during sleep [sleep apnea]?
6. is child having low grade fever. not gaining weight or chronic anorexia, persistent dry cough [clinically or as questionnaire]
Please revert back with above concerns so that Ayurveda Treatment can be initiated, in the mean time Preventive aspect is provided
i. Steam Inhalations 3-4 times a day.
ii. Warm salt water gargles. [gargle with honey water]
iii. avoidance of allergens [dust/cold drinks]
iv. mix 1 spoon ginger juice
1 spoon honey
1 pinch nutmeg [जायफल] powder and give it to eat for 1 month
v. Give banana, black grapes,orange,spinach,ginger,tomatoes,diet rich in vitamin C (Citrus fruits) and vitamin E (sunflower seeds, almonds,apricots, peanuts) which are rich in anti oxidants and thus helps in improvement of Thymus function (associated with Immunity.)
vi. Avoid: Heavy, slimy and acidic food, curd, mustard oil, excess physical exertion, sunlight-dust areas, exposure to strong winds, day sleeping, smoking, Potato, green leafy vegetables. Cold water/food
Give: Old brown rice, soup of moong dal, black grapes, cow’s or goat milk, garlic, lukewarm water to drink, black pepper, dried ginger, honey, mulethi, launga
1. In kids, adenoids usually begin to shrink after about 5 years of age and often disappear by the teen years. [have a second opinion]
2. Recent large study showed, by laboratory tests and follow-up examinations, that children who have their tonsils and adenoids removed suffer no loss whatsoever in their future immunity to disease.
3. since he/she is a kid thus may not be comfortable with Ayurveda Breathing and Yoga Techniques, please contact your Attending Physician regarding simple breathing exercises at his age.
Dr. Munish Sood
Consultant & Physician
Naimittika Clinic
All immunization completed
No sleep apnea
No fever or ear infection as such now
He feels sleep difficulty and snoring more only when he gets cold or infection n season. presently normal
No cough
What caused boils in his mouth.is that due to ayurvedic medicines?
Mostly Stomatitis
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting back.
1. If you can upload a scanned photograph, it will help in better understanding of the 'term' described, otherwise possible causes could be:
i. make sure to talk with your doctor regarding the boils since at his age [4], cold sores are more common.
ii. Since he is a mouth breather, as a result of blocked nasal passages resulting in drying could be one of the causes.
iii. make sure there wasn't any accidental cheek bite.
iv. Since 'pravahi' in the above mentioned medicine contains certain hot potency drugs and also is/are concentrated & fermented thus could be a major cause of boils, since he may not tolerate the said medicine in lighter dose
PS. Individual constitution varies from children to children; any if it continues with the medicine try 'Kanth Sudha'
. Mix honey in cold water and gargle with this 3 times a day.
. Take a cotton swab and soak it in any type of raw liquor or glycerine, press it directly on the ulcer for about 2 minutes.
Avoid: black gram,milk,curd,jaggery,dry/heavy food,brushing,day time sleeping, sleeping in prone position.
. Syrup Becopen 1tsf thrice daily
Dr. Munish
please do the needful.
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Thanks for reverting back.
If possible/feasible please attach snapshot of the same for better understanding. I'll be waiting to address your future concerns
Dr. Munish Sood