What Causes Breast Tenderness And Abdominal Discomfort Post Menopause?
I had a peripheral nerve sheath tumor in the retrperitoneal area in 2000 with chemo, 2 surgeries and radiation causing early menopause.
Both of my breasts are tender which I started noticing a couple of weeks after my lower abdomen discomfort and bloating. I did have a mamogram in January which was fine.
Im postmenopausal, menopause was years and years ago. What are causes for breast tenderness post menopause?
My bigger concern though is abdominal discomfort and vaginal bleeding. What are causes of those?
Please consult Gynecologist at the earliest.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to healthcare magic.
I am Dr Ramadevi Wani.
I will be answering your concerns today.
The symptoms you have mentioned are of concern. Although postmenopausal bleeding can be due to vaginal infection, polyp etc, in a small proportion of women it is due to cancer.
Did you complete your treatment for nerve sheath tumor. In the presence of abdominal bloating, nausea and pain, it is important that first we exclude that there is no recurrence of that tumor or occurrence of new tumor in new organ like ovary.
Once this is excluded, we can look for intestinal causes for these symptoms.
It is reassuring that mammogram in January was normal. The pain in the breast could be due to subtle infection, changes in hormones within the body etc. You need to be examined by Surgeon.
It is extremely important that you are examined by Gynecologist. So please take appointment at the earliest.
If you have further concerns I will be happy to answer.
Best wishes,
Dr Rama.