What Causes Breathing Difficulty In Night, Productive Cough, Sore Throat And Headache?
Detailed answer....
Thanks for the query.
I have read your query and understand your concern.
Breathing difficulties in night and making you awaken from sleep and of recent origin is a most common sign of heart involvement like heart failure,however it can be caused by problems in lungs like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,emphysema etc ( being a smoker chances of lung involvement are more ) and other problems like sinusitis,GERD,allergies etc.
A disturbed sleep in night leaves you very exhausted and tired throughout the day,
Since it is very difficult to pass any specific judgement on you without examination and investigations,it would be best on your part to consult an internal medicine specialist as early as possible.
Investigations needed to determine the cause would include X ray chest,CT chest,blood gases,ECG,echocardiogram,TMT,pulmonary function tests etc.
A proper treatment can be commenced only after the diagnosis.
It is high time that you quit your smoking immediately.
I hope it helps,however you are most welcome to revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck