Question: I have had an ongoing recurrance of urinary track infection, non specific
urethritis or prostititus for the last 6 month's. I had the same problem about a year and a half ago that finally seemed to be gone after a 2nd round of anti-biotics. In both occurances, symtoms included minor burning about one inch from the tip of my penis down my urethra, creamy colored discharge, feeling like I need to urinate often and very foul smelling urine. Urine samples then and with the current infection have tested positive for e-coli bacteria and in all instances, showed sensitivity to several classes of antibiotics. I had swab culters taken in both cases as well, to test for climidia and
gonorrhea and had negative results both times. I also had a
Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) test with the first infection that did not show any problems. They did the test twice though, as one of my ureters did not contrast very well. It did not contrast well the second time either and they determined it was from
dehydration. With my current infection, After my second course of anti-biotics did not completely get rid of the infection, I had a
Cystoscopy, which the
urologist determined everything looked fine. He also said my prostate seemed very healthy and not enlarged at all. I have now finished my 6th different antibiotic course, which included, in this order, Bactrim,
amoxicillin, Z Pack, two courses in a row of amoxicillin and just finished a course of Keflex. In all cases, the antibiotic cleared up all symptoms for the most part, but 2 to 5 days after finishing the anti-biotic, the symptoms would start to return. I have been referred to another urologist, but am anxious to find out why this e-coli infection will not go away. It seems as if the bacteria is lying dorment and/or hiding somewhere that the antibiotic is unable to get to. Do you have any idea what I am dealing with here and I'm not sure it's a good idea to just keep throwing antibiotics at it. Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon!