What Causes Burning Sensation In The Abdomen Along With Throat Pain?
After lunch whatever it may be and irrespective of quantity, I feel burning sensation feeling on inside my body mainly stomach, throat, etc. Kindly help for a permanent solution/cure of the same. If I take "Gelusil" it helps. But I don't want to take this regularly.
Also Bowl movement is OK.
btw generally I used to take - roti, curry (while in office) and on weekend, rice, curry, dal, etc.
reflux is the cause
Detailed Answer:
It sounds like you are having what is called gastro-esophagel reflux. This causes a painful burning sensation when acid from the stomach comes up into the esophagus and sometimes even into the throat.
This happens when the meal is large or if the valve between the stomach and the esophagus does not close properly.
Gelusil or other medications like omeprazole can treat the problem but you may need to see a doctor and have them look into your esophagus and stomach to find the exact cause.
Here are a few things to try. If they do not work, see a doctor for an evaluation.
Try eating lunch standing up and do not sit down for one hour after eating.
Alternately eat lunch standing up then go for a walk after eating. Also, never lie down after eating.
Also try eliminating certain foods, like beans and see if that helps.
Add a daily probiotic.
If none of these suggestions help then see a doctor for evaluation.
Dr. Robinson