What Causes Burning Sensation On The Tip Of The Penis?
apologies. it wasn't really formed as a question. I guess what I am asking is if you think prostatitis is correct and/or if there may be other issue(s). also as follow up, no pain urinating, no blood in urine (confirmed by dr.), or stool, no fever or really any other symptoms. Just pretty intense anus and penis pain. I like being active and currently, just walking sucks and I don't do any more than i have to.
Prostatitis needs work up and management
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. Tip of penis and urethral burn labelled prostatitis and anal pain and discomfort could be rightfully diagnosed and ciprofloxacin might be prescribed rightly but you needed culture sensitivity of your urine and urethral swabs along with coital and toilet habits modification. Abstaining masturbation is first line as it triggers and worsens urethritis and prostatitis. Also coitus should be kep to minimum. Good coital and toilet habits and minimum masturbation is first step. Next good hygiene, loose undergarments to prevent repeated discomfort on touching can delay healing process. Keep the groin hair and sweat free. Apart from antibiotics and NSAIDs, alpha blockers, biofeedback and acupuncture can be tried. Soak in warm saline water ( sitz baths ) twice a day at least for 15 minutes each and use heating pads . Avoid triggers like alcohol, spices, caffeine, prolonged sitting, bicycling, drink plenty of caffeine free beverages and fluids, it will help you urinate more and clear urinary tract and prostate of any organism down there by flushing it.
I hope it helps. take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.