What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Depends on how severe the pre surgery injury
Detailed Answer:
carpal tunnel syndrome is a compression syndrome. nerves are like copper wiring with insulation around them. the difference is that when the insulation in a nerve is damaged the nerve doesn't work as well which causes the numbness and weakness and it can be abnormally stimulated which causes the zapping and pins/needles. the point of the surgery is to relieve the compression and stop the damage from getting worse but the nerves are damaged and still have to repair themselves. this can take 6-9 months depending on the severity and some functions may not return if severe enough. the surgery relieved the compressions so the irritation is gone but it cannot restore the nerve cells. the pre-surgery emg can tell you how severe it is and try to prognosticate whether you will regain full function or not. hope this helped
Glad i could help
Detailed Answer:
I suspect that you will have more improvement in the "bad" one. loss of muscle mass is a bad sign for return if strength but the only muscle affected in the hand is the thumb. hopefully the sensation returns. a follow up emg at 6 months will help guide you