What Causes Chest Pain And Abdominal Pain?

I am a 34 year old XXXXXXX XXXXXXX female and I have been having chest pains and severe abdominal pain for the past month. I have been to the ER twice both times they did EKG and X rays both were normal and ran the standard blood tests they run in the ER , I dont have high blood pressure or diabetes but I am concerned about heart disease. the pain comes and goes with pain meds. I have attached my blood work is anything suggestive of heart disease. Thank you -oh by the way my bmi is about 34.5
Detailed Answer:
I can understand the plight you are going through due to this disturbing pain.
May I please ask you specific questions? please answer them after careful observations and remembrance...
-Is the pain in the lower chest 2 finger-breadth way from the mid-line and may be just bellow the breasts where the lower ribs are ? And the pain in abdomen is in continuity with this area?
-Does it come when you are free or there is a sudden stress?
-Is it relieved on the day when you are happy and everything is going on as scheduled and nothing happens against your will and wish?
-What are the factors that increase or decrease your pains?
-Anything else you would like to tell, please!
The EKG and X-ray chest done in ER are basically done to rule out any problem related to heart and lung. So if they are normal, you should be felling lucky and happy.
One of the most probable diagnosis I can think of is Costochondritis , meaning inflammation causing pain in the costal areas of the ribs and their joints with the sternum.

May I please ask you specific questions? please answer them after careful observations and remembrance...
-Is the pain in the lower chest 2 finger-breadth way from the mid-line and may be just bellow the breasts where the lower ribs are ? And the pain in abdomen is in continuity with this area?
The pain in my chest is sometimes in the middle between my breasts and on the left side above my breast and in my lower back middle. the pain in my abdominal just started about 2 weeks ago it comes and goes... I notice when i take pain meds it goes away and come back and when i panic over it I get chest pains.
-Does it come when you are free or there is a sudden stress?
it comes both sudden stress and free but mostly stress
-Is it relieved on the day when you are happy and everything is going on as scheduled and nothing happens against your will and wish?
on days when I am happy I dont feel it as much but the pain has been so intense the last few days thats all i can think about. I have attached my labs for you to look at
-What are the factors that increase or decrease your pains?
thinking about heart disease
I hat a ct scan of my abdominal everything normal
-Anything else you would like to tell, please!
I am scared to work out because I dont wanna have a heart attack. Please view my labs. Thanks
Proper physical examination - pressure on painful
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your very well written feedback.
If the pain increases on pressure on these areas, the most probable diagnosis is costo-chondritis as I have already mentioned.
Get a proper diagnosis by a clinical/ physical check-up again.
Get proper medicine in the form of combination of Anti-inflammatory, oral steroids, anxiolytic, multivitamins, local rubrafacient liniments ( which make the area warm), Sound sleep, stopping the activities or the thoughts which cause more stress and pain ( which you might have noticed by this time).
You are going to be OK the moment you start following all these. Yes, you need a prescription for most of the medicines so you have to find a Doctor who understands your problem, with whom you can discuss this and get a complete prescription.
He will also help to rule out other causes of pain- you need a good clinical . physical examination and not the investigations at all. Nothing comes positive in costochondritis.
The blood reports are not attached yet, so could not see.
Feel free to discuss further, if you need to.

Component Results
Component Standard Range Your Value
WBC 3.5 - 9.9 x(10)3/uL 7.5
Rbc 3.70 - 5.00 x(10)6/uL 4.56
Hemoglobin 12.0 - 15.0 g/dL 12.9
Hematocrit 36.0 - 45.0 % 39.5
Mcv 78.0 - 100.0 fL 86.6
Mch 27.0 - 33.0 pg 28.3
Mchc 32.0 - 36.0 g/dL 32.7
Rdw 11.5 - 14.5 % 13.7
Platelets 150 - 400 x(10)3/uL 277
Mpv 7.4 - 10.4 fL 8.5
% Neutrophils 45.0 - 74.0 % 48.9
% Lymphocytes 15.0 - 44.0 % 40.1
% Monocytes 2.0 - 12.0 % 8.5
% Eosinophils 0.0 - 6.0 % 1.6
% Basophils 0.0 - 2.0 % 0.9
Abs Neutrophils 1.7 - 6.4 x(10)3/uL 3.7
Abs Lymphocytes 1.5 - 3.5 x(10)3/uL 3.0
Abs Monocytes 0.1 - 0.9 x(10)3/uL 0.6
Abs Eosinophils 0.0 - 0.7 x(10)3/uL 0.1
Abs Basophils 0.0 - 0.1 x(10)3/uL 0.1
The above 20 analytes were performed by JMMC-Walnut Creek Campus1601 YGNACIO VALLEY RD.,WALNUT CREEK,CA 94598
General Information
06/26/2014 5:25 PM
Ordered By:
Result Status:
Final result
Component Results
Component Standard Range Your Value
Creatine Kinase (Ck/Cpk) 38 - 234 U/L 124
Ck-Mb 0.6 - 6.3 ng/mL 0.7
Ck-Mb Index 0.0 - 3.0 % NA
Troponin-I 0.00 - 0.03 ng/mL <0.03
0.03 ng/mL represents the 99th percentile of the upper referencelimit (URL) defined in a population of apparently healthy adultswith no known diseases of the cardiovascular system or otherserious acute or chronic disorders. This Beckman Coulter
Troponinassay demonstrates a total CV <10% at the 99th percentile URL.The above 4 analytes were performed by JMMC-Walnut Creek Campus1601 YGNACIO VALLEY RD.,WALNUT CREEK,CA 94598
General Information
06/26/2014 5:25 PM
Ordered By:
Result Status:
Final result
lucose 70 - 99 mg/dL 86
Normal (Fasting) 70-99 mg/dlPrediabetes or impaired glucose metabolism (Fasting) 100-125 mg/dlDiabetes Mellitus (Fasting) >125 mg/dl on two occasions.Diabetes Mellitus(Non-fasting)>200 mg/dl with appropriate symptoms
Urea Nitrogen 5 - 26 mg/dL 16
Creatinine 0.44 - 1.10 mg/dL 0.78
Egfr-Nonafrican XXXXXXX 60 - 300 mL/min/1.73m2 >60
Egfr-African XXXXXXX 60 - 300 mL/min/1.73m2 >60
eGFR Reference Range: >60 mL/min/1.73m2
Sodium 135 - 145 mmol/L 138
Potassium 3.5 - 5.1 mmol/L 3.6
Chloride 95 - 110 mmol/L 109
Carbon Dioxide 22 - 32 mmol/L 23
Anion Gap 7 - 16 mmol/L 6
Calcium 8.6 - 10.5 mg/dL 9.2
Protein-Total 6.1 - 8.3 g/dL 7.8
Globulin 2.1 - 4.3 g/dL 3.9
Albumin 3.4 - 5.0 g/dL 3.9
Ast (Sgot) 15 - 45 U/L 24
Alt (Sgpt) 10 - 54 U/L 19
Alkaline Phosphatase 35 - 115 U/L 53
Bilirubin-Total 0.0 - 1.3 mg/dL 0.4
The above 18 analytes were performed by JMMC-Walnut Creek Campus1601 YGNACIO VALLEY RD.,WALNUT CREEK,CA 94598
General Information
06/26/2014 5:25 PM
Ordered By:
Result Status:
Final result
Component Results
Component Standard Range Your Value
Glucose 70 - 99 mg/dL 99
Normal (Fasting) 70-99 mg/dlPrediabetes or impaired glucose metabolism (Fasting) 100-125 mg/dlDiabetes Mellitus (Fasting) >125 mg/dl on two occasions.Diabetes Mellitus(Non-fasting)>200 mg/dl with appropriate symptoms
Urea Nitrogen 5 - 26 mg/dL 13
Creatinine 0.44 - 1.10 mg/dL 0.78
Egfr-Nonafrican XXXXXXX 60 - 300 mL/min/1.73m2 >60
Egfr-African XXXXXXX 60 - 300 mL/min/1.73m2 >60
eGFR Reference Range: >60 mL/min/1.73m2
Sodium 135 - 145 mmol/L 136
Potassium 3.5 - 5.1 mmol/L 3.5
Chloride 95 - 110 mmol/L 106
Carbon Dioxide 22 - 32 mmol/L 22
Anion Gap 7 - 16 mmol/L 8
Calcium 8.6 - 10.5 mg/dL 9.0
Protein-Total 6.1 - 8.3 g/dL 7.6
Globulin 2.1 - 4.3 g/dL 3.6
Albumin 3.4 - 5.0 g/dL 4.0
Ast (Sgot) 15 - 45 U/L 18
Alt (Sgpt) 10 - 54 U/L 15
Alkaline Phosphatase 35 - 115 U/L 49
Bilirubin-Total 0.0 - 1.3 mg/dL 0.7
The above 18 analytes were performed by JMMC-Walnut Creek Campus1601 YGNACIO VALLEY RD.,WALNUT CREEK,CA 94598
General Information
08/07/2014 1:58 AM
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Result Status:
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Normal study.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your posting detailed reports.
And as I said they all are within normal limits and of less importance in case of suspected costochondritis.
Component Results
Component Standard Range Your Value
Creatine Kinase (Ck/Cpk) 38 - 234 U/L 124
Ck-Mb 0.6 - 6.3 ng/mL 0.7
Ck-Mb Index 0.0 - 3.0 % NA
Troponin-I 0.00 - 0.03 ng/mL <0.03
0.03 ng/mL represents the 99th percentile of the upper reference limit (URL) defined in a population of apparently healthy adults with no known diseases of the cardiovascular system or other serious acute or chronic disorders
This along with normal EKG and X-ray chest and CT scan Abdomen says you have no heart ailments at the moment.
You should be very happy to see this result.
Please follow as suggested already.

This report is related to heart= NORMAL
Detailed Answer:
Component Results
Component Standard Range Your Value
Creatine Kinase (Ck/Cpk) 38 - 234 U/L 124
Ck-Mb 0.6 - 6.3 ng/mL 0.7
Ck-Mb Index 0.0 - 3.0 % NA
Troponin-I 0.00 - 0.03 ng/mL <0.03
0.03 ng/mL represents the 99th percentile of the upper reference limit (URL) defined in a population of apparently healthy adults with no known diseases of the ****cardiovascular system ******
Cardio means heart... And it is normal.
If the pain increases on pressure on these areas, the most probable diagnosis is costo-chondritis as I have already mentioned.
Get a proper diagnosis by a clinical/ physical check-up again.
Get proper medicine in the form of combination of Anti-inflammatory, oral steroids, anxiolytic, multivitamins, local rubrafacient liniments ( which make the area warm), Sound sleep, stopping the activities or the thoughts which cause more stress and pain ( which you might have noticed by this time).

Cardiologist will certainly help you.
Detailed Answer:
I can understand your enthusiasm and worry as you are Mother of 20 months baby and may be really worried about the baby.
Was their any heart problem recently in the family members or friends or their family.
Very true, please request your cardiologist for a stress test, he would certainly do it and a the test result would help you come out of your problem. All people with belly fat and who are overweight do not get heart problems. He will also get lipid profile including cholesterol.
I hope you are doing some exercises and diet control for the reduction of your belly fat and to reduce weight. Also get your Thyroid profile done.

Females of your age do not get heart attacks
Detailed Answer:
It is really scary to have a scare.. I hope you understand what I mean by. Now you please tell me how can one really sooth your mind- obviously yourself.
As I suspected there is a history of the heart ailment in near and dear or a known person which make one think about such things 24/7.
Maximum number of people have a mild sleep apnea and you are one of them. So what? Go on reducing the weight and belly fat by a nice balance of diet and exercises. Cuddle your 20 months baby more often to get involved into more positive things and be away from the stress if you really care for your baby.
Do you?
And for your kind information the Almighty has given all the mothers the greatest of the heart and by virtue of your hormones the females of your age, never get heart attacks..

Most welcome
Detailed Answer:
Most welcome and thanks for your compliments.
I am near-sure that the cardiac evaluation is going to be normal, yes but promise one thing to me and yourself- you are going to stop worrying.
Have a change of place, atmosphere, may be a vacation away from the area you live in, really helps a lot. Please observe, if you are happy your friends and relative too are; if they see your sad face they too become cautious, including your son who is just 20 months. He must be feeling very wave you have in your brain and heart.
get going nicely, willing to hear good news from you and your Cardiologist.

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