Question: My son is 20 , recently 1/52 ago (sat 12th april Discharged friday 18th April.)had MBA in Bush , Speed 70-80km hr hit large metal pipe across bush track and went over handle bars . Not found for 2 hrs, fractured femur just above knee, plus other bruising. Operated on 24 hrs later.
Post op pain was hard to keep under control and had one code blue episode due to "overdose of PCA
fentanyl.Also agitatiove Mental state more so than 'normal.'" Upon discharge was having orthostatic hypertensive episodes with
chest pain and difficulty with catching breath and c/o upper lft
abdominal pain that went through to back also, went grey/white during this time, pain and swelling to knee increased and temperature elavated to 39.4 degrees. Returned to hospital via ambulance, in ED commenced on QID
panadol morphine and antibiotics IV , was re-admitted temp went down ...obviously. Blood tests state nil infection so antibiotics ceased.
Haemoglobin is 83. was 86 when first admitted. during this second 48 hr admission Had Head CT and
ultrasound to abdomen. these were clear. Remains low grade temps of 37.6 37.8 on QID paracetomol and appears to be worse in the evening, with him requesting aircon to be turned off, shivering and requesting extra blankets. He was transferred to a smaler country hospital (where he lives) with follow up physio. His temp elevated agin to 38.6 first night and haemoglobin remains low. He states he "feels tired and is sick of feeling "not right"
I am concerned there is something being missed. ??? could you help?