What Causes Cold And Headache After Using Excessive Epsom Salt While Bathing?
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query
It is hard to tell what could have caused the feeling of extreme cold but since it was associated with nausea and headache it is most probably dehydration caused by excessive amount of Eposm salt.
I suggest you to do the following
1. Keep youself warm
2. Rehydrate yourself with warm water first, I also recommend 1 XXXXXXX of ORS powder, each XXXXXXX to be mixed in 1 litre of water and to be taken sip by sip over 2 hours
3. Tab Acetaminophen will stop the feeling of cold and also help with the headache
Feeling of blood pumping to the head is normal when one has a headache, it is because of vasodilatation ( dilatation of the arteries)
I hope I was of help, if you have any further queries please get back to me