What Causes Constant Nausea And Dizziness Along With Stomach Pain?
My daughter is home now and is still nauseous, and dizzy with stomach pain, but is doing better since receiving CBD anally. No reason was ever found for her symptoms. If you have a theory please share it wth me.
Can be menieres disease. consult a NEURO OTOLOGIST.
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It can be menieres disease.It is an inner ear disease that typically affects one ear. This disease can cause pressure or pain in the ear, severe cases of dizziness or vertigo, hearing loss and a ringing or roaring noise people in their 40s and 50s are much more likely to experience it. This condition is considered to be chronic and there is no cure, but there are various treatment strategies that will minimize the effect on your life and relieve symptoms.
Symptoms include a spinning sensation (vertigo), hearing loss, ear ringing (tinnitus) stomach cramp and ear pressure. The vertigo may cause severe nausea and imbalance. Hearing loss may become permanent.
Doctors usually misses it and patient usually is not relieved with any medication.
Tests suggested-
Caloric test
Take tab Serc
Tab stemetil
both are prescription medicine.
Consult a neuro otologist for the same.ENT can’t handle such cases.
Your welcome.
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