What Causes Constant Urge To Urinate Right After Urinating?
Have a tender blader. Feels like i need to pee as in the morning. My wife pressed down pritty hard on the blader. I had sharp pain?
Go in to see dr.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome,
Sensation of needing to urinate (even after having urinated) and discomfort can be caused by a bladder infection or prostatic inflammation. Small stones in the urinary tract can also give these symptoms.
If you haven't had fever or flank pain, you can try increasing your intake of water, and consider drinking cranberry juice (good for urinary tract infections). But if the discomfort is bad, or it doesn't go away, or if you are having problems fully emptying your bladder, go in to see your doctor or an urgent care clinic.
The doctor can get a urine specimen to check for infection or signs of stones (such as microscopic amounts of blood) and he/she can do a digital prostate exam to check how your prostate is doing.
I hope this information helps. Please let me know if I can provide further information or clarification.
Detailed Answer:
A product called AZO can help bladder pain. But your symptoms are to the extent that you need pain control, it would be best to go in to be checked/have a urinalysis and possible culture.
How long have you been having the symptoms?