What Causes Dark Brown Vaginal Discharge Inspite Of Being On Depo Provera?
its common side effect with progesterones...
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting health care magic.
Firstly i would like to know if you are still on depo provera or have stopped it already.
Though it is common to have some intermenstrual spotting or in form of brownish discharge and its a known side effect. This should not worry you.
The treatment offered to you for mixed vaginal infection was ofloxacin, metronidazole and fluconazole which was right and it has cured you. However creamy white again is not normal , which indicated fungal infection for which DIFLUCAN( fluconazole) was advised.If the creamy white color has disappeared then you stand treated of infection .
This brown discharge is however common with progesterone treatment , and should not worry you unless heavy.
Please let me know your LMP and if you are still on DEPO ?
Dr.Sameer Kumar
brown discharge is normal with depo...explained
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow up.
Okay if you are still on Depo, then the brownish discharge is understandable. Its due to breakthrough bleeding which occurs on continuous usage of progesterone contraception. however it would not last longer than 3-5 days and its flow shall not increase. It shall make itself evident in form of light to dark brown discharge or spotting.
Please don't get worried. This is normal.
You should continue on Depo till you decide to resume your menses completely in its natural form.
Its safe.