What Causes Dark Bruise On Scaor On Knee After Surgery?
treat as regular bruise
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for your question.
I have looked at the picture of her knee and it does look like a bruise. Sometimes we have a spontaneous bruise or sometimes we can get a blood vessel that breaks and causes some bleeding under the skin. This is not troublesome unless it is happening frequently.
I would suggest that you just treat this like a regular bruise with ice and a compression bandage if it is swelling. If it does not resolve as a normal bruise (in 10-14 days) then she should see a doctor for an evaluation including vitamin K levels and other tests. If she has a lot of pain or if there are multiple spontaneous bruises then she may need to be seen soon.
Thank you for using HCM
Best regards,
Dr. Robinson
Thank you for the quick response.
My daughter is on athletic scholarship and plays tennis for Stony Brook University. They practice 3-4 hours daily.
My main concern is the location of the bruise - on the surgical scar and above the site where patella has been removed.
1. Might there be internal bleeding due to the damaged done to the blood vessels during ACL reconstruction surgery and overall change in the dynamics of the knee - such as graft or screws are rubbing against some blood vessel causing it to rapture? Are there any tests to determine it? Hopefully without radioactive markers?
2. How safe is it to continue playing tennis at the level of college sports? My daughter is a Number 1 player of the team in the Division 1 tennis. She has no pain and no swelling in the knee as of now. The bruise first appeared on XXXXXXX 12.
Some professional tennis players, such as XXXXXXX Petkovic, underwent the same ACL reconstruction surgery and keep playing professional tennis with much higher intensity.
My daughter is 18 and my main goal for her to have the healthiest knee possible. On another hand, I do not want tennis to be taken away from her - she has worked for 12 years to be on a level she is on. She really enjoys it. Finding a balance is the goal.
Thank you and I appreciate your time.
Thank you
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for your follow up. I do not think it could be any damage to blood vessels from the time of surgery showing up this far out from the surgery.I suppose it is possible that there is a problem with the hardware from her prior surgery but if that were the case I would expect her to be having pain and swelling. An xray could easily show the hardware an could be used to make sure that it is in the appropriate place and not shifted.
I think it is fine for her to continue playing if she has no pain and swelling. If this does not resolve soon or if you are concerned, having her see an orthopedist for an xray and exam would be appropriate.
Have a good day and best wishes to her for a great time playing tennis.
The dark blue bruise the size of a quarter reappears underneath the surgical scar every time after physical activity, tennis practice for example.
The bruise simply fades away and becomes hardly visible by the next day or so if my daughter stays inactive.
The bruise doesn't behave like a regular bruise: you got the bruise, it starts changing colors and disappears after 10-14 days - nothing like that.
Thank you
Have her see orthopedist.
Detailed Answer:
hello and thank you for your follow-up. Does not sound like a serious problem. However it would be good for her to check with orthopedist just to make sure. Thank you for using healthcare magic