What Causes Delayed Gastric Emptying?
I am 73 and 150 pounds and no smoker I enjoy a happy hour with a couple of cock tails daily, I also exercise 3 to 4 times a week.
Is this some think that can be treated with medication .
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Detailed Answer:
Hello & thank you for submitting your question.
Delayed gastric emptying, or gastroparesis, is most often seen as a complication of diabetes. When present in patients such as yourself who do not have a diagnosis of diabetes, the cause is often unknown and is deemed idiopathic. There are medications to help with the symptoms of gastroparesis that your doctor may consider after a full set of tests and an assessment has been made. Many factors can contribute to the time it takes for the stomach to digest and process food, including the type and amount of food consumed, as well as the ratio of liquid to solids ingested. It is often helpful to make diet modifications if possible, such as consuming a high fiber diet, eating smaller meals, and drinking plenty of water. Once a diagnosis of gastroparesis had been established, your physician will discuss the best plan of action on your case, taking into consideration the cause(s) and the role of diet/lifestyle modification as well as any indication for medicine.
Dr Galamaga