What Causes Difficulty Swallowing With Normal Blood Reports?
Need more information.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query.
There three possibilities, these include
1) Since you are asthmatic , there is possibility of allergy , sinusitis & post nasal discharge more on left leading to pain.
2) Laryngopharyngeal Reflux, upper esophagitis aggravated by alcohol intake.
3) Laryngopharyngitis due long term use of steroid.
or Combinations of above .
I would like to know do you consulted ENT Doctor ?
Any Videolaryngoscopy done ?
If I were your treating doctor, I would advice you
Antiseptic chlorhexidine Mouth Wash twice daily,
Steam Inhalation twice daily,
Plenty of fluids for hydration ,
Paracetemol for pain,
Vitamin C to promote healing and
Esomeprazole for acidity .
Hope this information helpful to you .If you have any further questions I will be happy to help.
I can vouch sometimes taking cold things like ice cream or cold drinks may have triggered it, working outside in outdoor dust all day triggers the same thing.
So can it possibly be sinusitis?
I haven't consulted an ENT specialist yet. Should I be going to someone?Can you please tell me if there is an investigation I can do to determine if I have sinusitis or not?
Yes, possibility of allergic rhinosinusitis
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up query.
Yes there is possibility of allergic rhinosinusitis.
I would advice to consult your ENT specialist & ask for investigation CT Scan paranasal sinus to know the extend of sinusitis & diagnostic nasal endoscopy to know changes inside nose.
Treatment can be planned accordingly.
Hope this information is helpful.