What Causes Difficulty Urination In The Early Mornings?
Enlarged prostate
Detailed Answer:
As you are having hard time voiding your urine in the morning you are most probably having an enlarged prostate.
I will advise you to do a transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) test to confirm this.
It is a type of ultrasound scan specifically designed to study the prostate and the surrounding area and also its size.
I will advise you to stop drinking any liquids for one to two hours before going to bed. This will help to prevent waking up during the night to pass urine.
You need to stop drinking alcohol and caffeine or limit your consumption of them.
They can irritate your bladder and make your symptoms worse.
I will also advise you to exercise regularly.
Moderate exercise such as walking for 30 to 60 minutes a day can improve your symptoms.
You can also practise bladder training. Consult your doctor regarding this.
It is an exercise programme to increase the time between urination and to increase the amount of urine your bladder can hold.
You will be given a target such as waiting for at least two hours between each time you urinate.
You can use a bladder training chart which allows you to record each time you pass urine and record the volume of urine passed for which you will need a plastic jug to measure this.
You will also be taught a number of exercises, such as breathing, relaxation and muscle exercises to help take your mind off the need to urinate.
Over time your target time will be increased and at the end of the programme you should find that you are able to go for longer without urinating.
My follow-up is that I do drink quite a few cups of coffee throughout the day and I will have a beer or two some evenings.
Would you recommend I remove coffee and beer completely for a couple of weeks and see if that resolves the problem before doing the test?
Remove coffee and beer completely
Detailed Answer:
I would recommend you to remove coffee and beer completely for a couple of weeks as these may precipitate your problems more and see if your symptoms improve or not.
If the symptoms still persist then i would advise you to do a transrectal ultrasound test.
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