What Causes Dizziness And Vomiting When Diagnosed With Stress?

i am turning 35 this year and feeling dizziness and vomiting sensation for the last four days.
I doubted it is becz of bp and checked bp surprisingly it is 150/90. then got panicked and went for usg scan doubting pkd. but usg scan is normal.(attached usg scan report).
Now is there a chance first bp goes high and then cysts appear on kidneys in pkd?
BP was never this much before. what could be the reason if pkd is not?
for the last 10 days i didn't get gud sleep and diet. could that be a reason for hike in bp?
Or is there is chance that usg scan missed to identify the cysts? should i go for another round scan in another lab?(since i am tensed). Do i need to mention that scan purpose is to check cysts on kidneys then the technician pays attention?
Do i need to start taking medicine for bp? for two days it is 150/90.
Please clarify.
more of stress ,anxiety associated BP levels.recommendations provided.
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear
Thanks for using Healthcaremagic.com
I have evaluated your query thoroughly .
* Seems more of anxiety associated .
* Details of answers as per questions
1. It is not likely that first BP goes high and then cysts appear on kidneys in PKD .
2. Sudden rise of BP is mostly associated with anxiety , other factors of
inadequate rest , excess activities , dietary factors , abuse substances or else
than PKD .
3. Yes , inadequate sleep and improper diet are major reasons for rise in BP .
4. Usually expert radiologist scans for all the things in kidneys and all other
viscera for underlying pathology , no requirement of another scan .
5. I do not recommend to start BP medicines at present .
* Suggestions at present
- Avoid stress , anxiety .
- Have regular sound sleep of 8 hrs .
- No smoking or alcohol if using .
- Diet with salt restriction and plenty of liquids are vital .
- Avoid oily , spicy , non veg , junk foods , excess dairy fat .
- Avoid exposure to excess heat , night shifts .
- No prolong fasting , over eating .
- Intake of proton pump inhibitor as omeprazole morning and evening on empty
stomach will help with paracetamol after meals for 3 days .
- Regular walking in fresh air , walking , exercises , YOGA will help a lot .
- Measurement of BP in a relaxed position daily for 5 days , keep record.
Hope this will help you .
Welcome for any further assistance .
Regards .

thanks for the response.
Yesterday it was 150/90 and today it is same.
continuously same reading indicates permanent bp?
can i go to gym for high intensity training like abs for weight loss?
actually i have started that last week....done so much of weight loss acitivities and asscociated with lack of sleep for three or four days with outside food in last 10 days.
Yesterday felt dizziness and mild headache, today mornign also but now it is better a bit. waiting for bp monitoring for more days will not cause any damage?
my father had bp. If it is heriditry bp cannot cure naturally? do i need to continue medice for life long? currently i weigh nearly 20 kgs more than my ideal weight.
follow up queries tackled in details .
Detailed Answer:
thanks for the details .
1. For definition of BP to be high you require continuous high levels in resting , calm
position for 4 - 5 days . So transient high levels for 2 days in panic state does
not reflect permanent BP .
2. High intensity training in gym at present will worsen your condition, better to
avoid temporarily .
Regular walking in fresh air , light exercises at home recommended .
3. We do not have to wait for long period of time to cause damage , within next
48 hrs , you will get the results that you require BP medicines or not .
But that would be perfect only when you are free of total stress , anxiety
taken proper sound sleep , YOGA with meditations done precisely , diet with
law salt , avoidance of things narrated .
4. Even if hereditary BP , there are natural ways to keep it under control in
borderline rise as in our case ( it is not tremendously high that to be taken
panic and making it rise by our own ) .
So , there is no lifelong question of medicine at present for you .
Hope this clears your query .
Welcome for further assistance .
Wishing you fine recovery from the same.
Regards dear take care .

thanks for answering all my questions patiently with details.
One more concern.
From yesterday i am getting on my junction top of shoulder bone. when i move up and down or when i press on it. also muscle pain on the muscle connecting shoulder to neck back when i press on it. Is it serious symptom? becz of high bp?
becz one of my friend had high bp 200/180 and he said he felt sever pain on shoulder and back when he got brain stroke few months back.
Now i am worried with this. Becz of these continues worries i am not getting gud sleep and stress continues.Please advice me on this. Do i need to see a doctor to get brain ct scan for this reason? i feel it like muscle becz of improper sleeping position but i dont want to take a chance since high bp causes strokes and attacks.
follow up solutions provided .
Detailed Answer:
* This seems more of muscle spasm or ligament pain .
* One condition applied to single person , does not necessarily implies to each
and every human being on earth .
* Your symptoms of muscle pain is positional related and increased by
movements so that proves that it is not high BP related .
* Recommendations at present
- Apply local analgesic ointment or spray 3 times a day .
- Tablet with ibuprofen and paracetamol content 3 times a day after meals .
- Avoid sleeping in odd positions .
- Continue meditations , light exercises , YOGA as per previous talk .
- Plenty of liquids , balanced diet with law salt .
- No smoking or alcohol consumption in any form .
- Managing sleep of 7 - 8 hrs in sound pattern will remove majority of the
issues on the board .
- Consult your Physician later if required .
* CT scan for this issue is not going to give any of the positive finding .
Hope this clears your query .
Welcome for any further guidance anytime .
Regards dear take care .

I am a little bit relived as the reading today is 140/90.
the reading was taken immediatley after drinking a glass of water . dont know whether shows any impact.
But for the two and half days reduced salt intake no spicy food, enough sleep, brisk walk worked it seems. What is your view on this?
but still light headedness and dizziness(little bit) is there.
these two days added spouts, bananas, apple, less oil food, ginger lemon with warm water to my diet.
follow up solutions .
Detailed Answer:
Welcome dear
* This shows partial control of your stress ( still not complete )
1. Water drinking does not affect BP reading .
2. This is due to your life style modifications only .
3. Keep it as it and headache , dizziness will also be alright within next 48 hrs .
* Recommending you to keep BE POSITIVE motto all the time .
Maintain this rhythm and see the results ahead .
Hope this clears your query .
Wishing you fine health ahead .
Regards .

my bp reading on 14th aug was 130/80.
I didnt take any medicine and taken normal diet.
But now today reading is 130/100.
why it is fluctutatiing like this?
Is this too high? do i need to start medication?
i am paniced on this.
Kindly narrate method of your BP measurement .
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear
Welcome .
* Kindly convey me how are you taking measurement by digital meter self at home
or with the doctor ?
This is vital information required to answer your this query .
Regards .

today when i wnet to inhouse clininc in our comapnay there it was 130/100.
and then rushed to hospital there it was 150/100 after one hr of above reading.
Not serious , but panic makes the picture more serious and of concern.
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear
Thanks for the details .
* Diastolic BP of 100 is for first time in your narration .
* Systolic BP of 130 going to 150 is obvious as you rushed in ER .
* Still , I recommended more concentrated meditations , dietary adherence ,
avoidance of stress , regular sound sleep of 8 hrs .
* I frame out from your narration either of the all things are lacking to some
level giving agony of rushing here and there .
* Now get BP checked at 48 hrs from now following strictly above things ,
then follow up .
Welcome for further guidance .
Regards .

i went to a doctor he suggested ecg test and it was normal.
also suggested telma 20mg evry day. he said i may need to use it life long or reduce weght around 20kgs. i am confused.
he said heridity and over weight may be the reasons
Can take telma 20 for some duration with life style modifications.
Detailed Answer:
ECG is normal as predicted . Good .
* Can safely take telma 20 mg for some duration with tapering basis according to
control of BP .
* I do not recommend for life long at the age of 33 .
* Surely life style modifications will help to get yourself eliminated from need of
anti hypertensive medicines .
Regards .

Then i went to neuro specalist he said i dont think you need medicine but you need life style chnages.
He gave me nervofit and censpram and asked me to not to take telma but excersise regularly with diet changes.
sat and sunday i didnt take telma but on monday while eanting lunc i felt like dizinees vomting sensation and some discomfort. then after10 mins i took telma20.
After some time i felt relieved a bit. today alsoin the morning i felt like heavy head and diziness but not spinning then i took telma fearing my bp gone high.
Also sat and sunday i got headache right above neck back. on the roots of skull and also on shoulders and connecting muscle. what could be the cause?
bp is the solo reason for all these?headache raiates from back to middle of head.
Also can i not donate blood in my life? becz i like to donate blood and platelets and was doing it.
Now should i take telma or not? can i stp telma if i loose weight in future? can i eat normal food at home or should i eat food without salt?
All queries thoroughly taken care of .
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear
* Kindly find detailed elaboration of your queries .
1. Preference of anti hypertensive may change from consultant to consultant , one
may think of it and one may be conservative for other management .
2. Headache , spinning & dizziness are all attributed to high BP with increased
level due to associated anxiety .
3. Shoulder muscle pain are isolated entity .
4. Donation of blood usually possible when person is on regular medication and
he or she has controlled BP during donation .
5. I recommend you to take telma on regular basis , keep regular check
with the doctor .
Further doses and tapering guidelines will be provided by the doctor
according to your stress management , life style changes & other criteria .
6. Definitely you will be able to step telma in future with weight control .
7. Presently should be advisable to take food without salt , once BP level gets
good control , gradual low salt will be preferable .
Hope this makes your doubts clear .
Welcome for any further queries .
Regards .

yesterday my reading was 140/90. i took telma 20 in the morning and reading at 3pm is still 140/90. what could be the reason it was still high even after taking pill.
have you seen anyone who gradually avoided pills and lived normal life with normal food ?
necessary guidelines provided .
Detailed Answer:
* Medicine will lower the BP and your internal stress , anxiety , curiosity of the
things will give rise to the BP , so you can not see the actual effect of the
drug at all .
* There are innumerable instances where patients are on pills , gradually
tapered with life style and diet management and now they are without pills
but this must be under medical supervision only .
* Still my strong recommendations will remain as it
- Relax , calm yourself .
- Do not stress out for much beyond period , that is disturbing your recovery .
- Regular walking in fresh air , deep breathing exercise , YOGA .
- Involve yourself more in likelihood activities .
- Dietary management .
- Regular sound sleep of 8 hrs .
- No smoking or alcohol .
* These are all sufficient for your case to get control of the things .
Regards .

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