What Causes Dry Eyes, Runny Nose And Slight Headache?
Ferretin 440 (range 200-400)
ESR 21 (<21)
WBC 12.4 (range 4-11)
Neutrophils 9.12 (range 1.90-7.50)
Is this consistent with a chronic sinus infection? If so, what would be suggested treatment protocol for next step? Thank you.
Needs interventions.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to HCM.
I had gone through your question and understand your concerns.
I see similar cases amongst young people who visit my clinic. As per your details, you have got sinusitis ( symptoms and cell counts suggestive of sinusitis ). you have missed giving details of duration.
I suggest you to consult an ent surgeon, get detailed ent examination, if possible diagnostic endoscopy to rule out pus in sinus openings, ct paranasal sinus to get anatomical obstructions and disease( sinusitis) extent.
As such augmentin best works for sinusitis. in case of resistent infection and chronic duration, needs interventions.
I advise you to stop all the medication, till you evaluate.
Hope this answers your question, if you have additional questions or follow up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions.
Wishing you good health.