What Causes Episodes Of Trembling Of Hands And Weak Feeling In Legs?
Anxiety more probable.
Detailed Answer:
I read your question carefully and I understand your concern.
Looking also at some other queries you have made during the past month I believe those symptoms to be more probably related to anxiety and you should not be alarmed. Having recently interrupted Zopiclone makes you more prone to anxiety.
However anxiety is a label which should be used only once other possibilities have been excluded. For that reason it is good that you are having blood tests to exclude other causes such as anemia, infections, inflammation, hormonal issues etc. Anxiety itself can at times be a manifestation of disorders like thyroid dysfunction.
Some tests which I would recommend are blood count, CRP, ESR, glucose, liver and kidney function tests, electrolytes, thyroid hormones, vitamin B12.
If the weakness progresses or have new symptoms like difficulty urinating then of course you could go to the ER to exclude some other issue like spinal cord or nerve bundle compression in the spine, but I don't think it likely.
I remain at your disposal for further questions.
Read below.
Detailed Answer:
Cholesterol while potentially harmful in other ways, has nothing to do with your present symptoms. Thyroid overfunction is perhaps the most compatible with the symptoms you describe in this and other queries so it should really be made sure along with the other tests.
Afterwards if all the rest is normal, I remain of my initial opinion about anxiety being the source. Since the symptoms seem to have been going on for a while, treatment with antianxiety medication such as SSRI class of drugs can be considered.
I hope to have been of help