What Causes Erectile Dysfunction And Reduced Semen Flow?
Prostate gland enlargement is likely cause.
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXXXXX and welcome to HCM.
As an Urologist,i can fully understand your concern.
At your age, one has to consider a prostate gland enlargement, as a possible cause.
You should be able to mention, if your urine flow, has also reduced, in the recent past. If it's taking longer for urine flow to start, and if there's a feeling of incomplete passing of urine. Whether you're passing urine more frequently.
Kindly inform if you're on any medication, with dosage and for how long.
Whether this feeling of semen coming out slowly, is occasional or not.
If you do an ultrasound scan of the abdomen, sugar, PSA,creatinine and urine flow rate, it'll be beneficial in advising you.
Once these details are known, i should be able to give you an expert advice.
Take care.
Reply with reports.
Detailed Answer:
Hi again.
First, we have to decide what could be the cause, for the urine flow and semen flow, to become slow.
For that, the tests mentioned in previous reply have to be done.
Once i see the reports, i can give you an expert advice.
Wish you well.