What Causes Excessive Belching, Upper Abdominal Pain And Flatulence?
Constipation looks to be the basic cause
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood your concerns.
The chronology of the symptoms and issues that you have mentioned indicate that the major issue is related to the colon - the constipation looks to be the basic cause instigating or enhancing other symptoms.
Once the food is hold up for more than the normal transit time through intestines the opportunistic bacteria get hold, grow more to disturb the balance and produce the typical sulfur/ rotten egg like gases that smell the worst.
Hence I would advise you the following:
First of all consult your Doctor to discuss this issue, get varied/ try different laxatives/ stool softeners and take enema if needed to relieve the constipation and have daily normal bowel movements.
Get stool tested for three days and get treated according to the reports.
Get blood tests particularly for diabetes, thyroid, liver and kidney functions.
Colonoscopy and CT scan of abdomen will help you further diagnosis and management.
A course of an antibiotic, metronidazole may help.
Take probiotics, activated charcoal tablets.
Try to identify the foods and beverages that instigate or enhance the symptoms and stop them altogether.
I hope this answer helps you.
Please feel free to ask for further relevant queries if you feel that there is a gap of communication.
Also give feedback of the reports and effectiveness of the management.