What Causes Excessive Daytime Sleepiness?
I really appreciated your answers re cookies, snacks so much.
Next A1c will be in a week or so. Why do I still get so exhausted in afternoon, wanting to take a 2 h our nap? Is that normal for early diabetes? Any remedies? if I take the nap I feel much better, but not always convenient. Lately morning sugar varies from 131-139 mostly, twice 91. Many Thanks. Merry Christmas.
As explained below
Detailed Answer:
Hello Mrs XXXXXXX Thanks for writing again. Glad to know my answer helped you manage your condition better.
Sorry to have taken a long time to respond. Its been a busy day at the OPD.
Please let me know the result of the Hba1c next time. I feel we can expect an improvement as a result of the change in your eating habits and lifestyle.
The need to nap at noon is not something that is particularly seen in diabetes. Napping at noon is normally seen with people who consume high carbohydrates which is not so in your case. How is your sleep at night? Do you snore? Do you feel fresh in the morning? The need to sleep could be quite simply related to the need for the body to rejuvenate. We just have to look at what applies to you.
Your glucose levels are ideal. Please maintain it so. Your diet pattern also looks good.
I am glad you have found the motivation to deal with diabetes head on which is the way to be. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Merry Christmas. Hope you had a wonderful day with friends and family.
Warm regards,
Dr Praveen Jeyapathy
My nap is usually 3 or 4 pm til 6 pm, just feel exhausted. I d on't know if that's the fibromyalgia. The snoring has improved to be very low or none when I lost 9 pounds since November. Last night I h ad a lot of trouble fighting off post nasal drip & coughing, I think I was fighting off the sister-in-law's sinus infection. The cold meds & Vit.C helped a lot. But then while I was waiting for cold med to work, I ate a lot of Crispix cereal (corn,rice); it tastes great but does n ot have fiber & 2 cookies.
So I gained 3 pounds by this morning.
>> Do u think I need to eat a little extra protein (yogurt in afternoon or something else after lunch or during lunch?
I do wake up fairly refreshed.
Thank you for Merry Christmas wish. I think I am doing much better with my knee pain & the knee looks smaller w/weight loss which is really great. Thanks again.
Yes. That's a good idea.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again Mrs. XXXXXXX
Good to know that your knee pain and snoring has improved with weight loss. Yes, loosing a bit of weight does wonders to ones health. Please try to maintain it as best as you can.
Hope the recent respiratory tract infection you contracted from your sister in law settles down soon.
Yes, taking a little less of carbs and more of protein will certainly help if its the carbs that's putting you to sleep. Please try it and see how you feel.
Napping at noon is not really bad (though there are various schools of thought regarding this matter). However, a power nap of about 30 minutes is better. A longer nap would result in your sleep at night being not the best (though the hours may be ok the sleep quality may not be and you may catch up with the sleep next noon and the vicious cycle goes on).
Take care. Wishing you good health.