Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed?
Detailed Answer:
Dear Ma'am, I have gone through your question and I understand your concerns . Type 2 diabetes can be reversed completely by a combination of healthy diet and excersice to reach a target of hbA1c level below 6 and become totally medication free..
Excersicing half an hour daily helps to improve the insulin sensitivity of your body and decreases your requirement of insulin.. ( whether secreated from your body or exogenous )
Also dieting can lead to dramatic changes in your hbA1c levels .. Avoiding refined sugars in white sugar, juices , alcohol and fuzzy drinks is crucial.. you can replace it with natural sweateners as honey.. Also you should decrease carbohydrates intake by avoiding white flour , bread and pasta, replacing th by brown flour, bread and pasta which contain more fibers and yield less glucose when digested.. dairy products should be reduced to only one portion daily of low fat cheese or skimmed milk.. Increase the vegetable and fish content of your diet to increase the fiber and protein intake..
Combining excersice and healthy diet will result in weight loss, inproving insulin sensitivity and can completely reverse diabetes type 2.. I hope you find this helpful ..