What Causes Fatigue With Blurred Vision And Dizziness?

Got home from the neurologists and went to the bathroom and my right-eye vision dimmed, felt butterflies in my stomach, and thought i would pass out.
Also, felt a flushing on the top right-side of my head. Mom took my bp and it was 143 / 85, and I am on DIOVAN HCT for high bp!
When I had m stroke, my right arm had pins N needles right before it.
So scared here. Am I dying?
Also I noticed not long ago my heart regularly skipped beats.
I have felt this unusual fatigue before.
Will getting steroid injections into my lower spine, and then my neck restore me to my usual energetic self, or have I got heart arrythmia too? Chest pain, and I'm trying to determine if it is muscle pain or heart damage. It is sometimes accompanied with ticklish sensation under my left armpit. All these damn things wrong with me convulging on me at once. I wonder if the Devil or God, wants to kill me. Like the Bible says, "And it came to pass at the inn that the Lord met XXXXXXX and sought to kill him..."
I am so scared of dying!
You have had TIA. Cardiac Evaluation Required.
Detailed Answer:
The most probable diagnosis of the event that occurred to you today morning is a Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) of brain, usually caused due to embolization (migration) of a small blood clot (thrombus) from carotid artery supplying the brain or more commonly from inside the heart chamber.
These clots are usually formed in the setting of irregular heart rhythms which let the circulatiing blood to settle for a few moments inside the chambers.The size of the clot that forms and later on migrates to the brain circulation determines the nature of damage in the brain due to sudden caesation of blood dupply.
Hence, it is important to know the exact cardiac status. Many a times the rhythm disorders occur due to some structural abnormality of the heart like a valve dysfunction. Hence, tests like an ECG, ECHo and if necessary a Holter should be done.
The most commonn disorder of heart rhythm that is associated in such cases is Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation and thatvbe the scenario blood thinner medicines (oral anti-coagulants, like warfarin) are prescribed to prevent such episodes.
Your symptoms of feelibg of skipped beat also may be explained by this.
So, get in touch with a cardio for further work-up.
Wishing you all the best..
- Dr. Satish.

I had this happen to me some months ago too. AM I having progressive TIA's
What can be done to keep me from dying or becoming disabled?I forgot to mention i MA on Plavix daily. SHuldn't THAT be heping to stop my blood from coagulating?
Yes, irregular heart rhythms can be fixed.
Detailed Answer:
Hi there,
I did know from your previous postings that you are taking Plavix, an anti platelet drug and a Statin, after your previous stroke, apparently a cerebral infarct.
Although plavix does prevent an atheroma in blood vessels to form by preventing platelets to adhere, the clots formed in heart chambers are not effectively prevented by them. Hence, you require another group of medicines called as oral anticoagulants, for exAmple Warfarin, Acitrom, Pradaxa etc.
But, first it has to be established what is the exact cause of your skipped heart beats and has it some relation to the clot formation. In my opinion it has. But, what exactly is the rhythm disorder and its cause has to be established by an ECG, a Holter and an Echo.
Best of luck. See a good Cardiologist in your place.

The wave of fatigue that once in a while comes over me I mentioned, coupled with a slight blur in my right-eye vision that lasts for a second, the heat flushing on right top of my head, could THAT be caused by herniated and / or bulging and or degenerative diskc in the neck>
Yes, it is possible if severe spondylosis.
Detailed Answer:
Rarely, if the Cerbical Spondylosis is severe enough to obstruct the blood vessels going up the head through the vertebral column (The two vertebral arteries), such symptoms may appear.
The condition is called 'Vertebro- Basilar Insufficiency' and is usually associated with severe vertigo.

I am feeling like SH-- earlier today. Fatigue that feels kinda like congetion in my head: a flushing or sunburnt sensation on the right top of my head. Right eye vision diminished so as to be not as robust as the vision in my left. Vision gets a tad worse after sitting at my computer.
Fatigue so I cannot exercise as robustly a I'd like.
Oh, and this began happening a month or so after my Thanskgiving Day stroke. Could the stroke have exacerbated the bulging disks,?
Found out I have premature heartbeat, the doctor said she did too. Can premature heartbeats cause another stroke?
Oh, I have to go 7 days without taking my Plavix so I can get the streroid injections into my lumbar spine.
Is my chance of another stroke dramatically increased? Have I a legitimate cause to worry? Am I playing Russian roulette, or throwing dice not being able to take Plavix?
Will taking aspirin reduce this chance and, if so, how much daily at what mg?
Aspirin has the same risk for Lumbar Puncture.
Detailed Answer:
Don't worry. Witholding Plavix for few days should not increse the chances of stroke, drastically.
Also, replacing it with Aspirin is not a good idea as chances of bleeding during an invasive neurological procedure is more.

Yes, its okay
Detailed Answer:
Don't worry. Its okay to be without Plavix.
Don't be scared. The treating doctors will take good care of you.

Had my steroid injection shot last afternoon. Does it take a few days to notice improvement? I still feel my low back, but something feels different, better. I think, I hope. Hope it's not some Placebo effect.
Aside from that, I was lounging in y easy chair today, but when I got up I felt a surge, or wave, of tiredness that was felt also as butterflies in my stomach. There have been a few times when I would be walking from the restroom and would feel this as a wave of fatigue (?) like I was about to pass out.
IS this a sign of something terrible? Wither way, WHAT is this? WHY do I get it? Can I kill it for good, if so how?
Check your BP in supine and standing.
Detailed Answer:
This could be due to postural hypotension.drop of BP more than normal when a person assumes erect posture.
To confirm it one needs to check his BP while lying flat and then on standing up, with the instrument kept at the level of the heart.
Another possibility after Steroid injection is weakness of Procimal or Girdle Muscles of limbs. Although this occurs after a prolonged use of steroids, but still you may check with your physician to look for these possibilities.

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