What Causes Fatty Liver?
I have body swelling and joint swelling and pain.I had suffered from UTI some 9 months ago after whcih I started seeing swelling.
I would like to know what is causing this? Is it a Liver infection that is causing this?
How can I find this? Can an ulcer or inflammation in my stomach or intestines cause this?
Multipronged therapy required
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing in.
fatty liver can be due to a number of causes.
Alcoholism, hepatitis infection, medications and low protein diet as in vegetarian people can lead to fatty liver.
I would suggest the following
1. Get your viral markers done. (Hep b and Hep c)
2. If these are negative then analyze whether you are taking any medications.
3. If no then get liver function tests done to see the extent of derangement.
Start the following regime
1. Low fat, low carbohydrate, high protein diet.
2. Regular exercise for 40 minutes.
3. Stop all sorts of alcoholic beverages.
4. Plenty of water.
5. Medications
a. tricholine citrate+ sorbitol (2 tablespoons in a glass of warm water in the morning on empty stomach , once a day for 6 months.)
b. ornithine containing liver tonics (i tablet three timesa day after meals for 6 weeks)
6. Repeat USG and LFT after 6 months.
I am sure you will be relieved of the liver issue with above treatment advisory.
Thanks for your advice. I dont drink or smoke.
I have a doubt. All the doctors that I saw told me to reduce my protein intake due to high Uric acid ..they said no chicken , no fish ..asked me to follow a Mediterranean diet.. Can you be more specific on the diet that I shud take ?
Is fatty lever causing my Uric acid to rise ??
Check urinary uric acid excretion.
Detailed Answer:
thanks for the feedback.
As aal the risk factors for fatty liver are negative in your case alack od adequate protein is perhaps the only possible explanation for the fatty liver. since your uric acid is high I would suggest that you stick to only the basic requirement of protein per day that is 1 gm/kg body weight /day. That is a must. Completee abstinence from protein is bad for the liver.
the breakdown and detoxification of waste products of protein metabolism is done in the liver. If liver function is altered then surely there could be arise. i would also suggest you to undergo further investigations as to whether there is increased production or decreased excretion of uric acid. that will help in proper medical treatment of uric acid levels.
As you said I have to undergo further tests to know whther there is increased production or decreased excretion if uric acid, can you tell me the specific tests that needs to be done for confirming this.
Can a tumor cause increased production of uric acid in the body? What tests needs to be done to check the presence of a tumor?
blood tests and radiology advisable
Detailed Answer:
The following test should be of use
1. BUN
2. S. Creatinine
3. USG of abdomen.
4. Urinary excretion of uric acid.
These test will give an idea as to whrere the problem is.