What Causes Feeling Of Shortness Of Breath?
Explained in detail
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome
Your concern is appreciated
Anxiety can be one of the causes other most likely causes can be diffuse esophageal spasm and nut craker esophagus but these produce sunsternal pain simulating angina . Other is globus hystericus pharyngeus a functional disorder in which patient complain of lump like sensation in throat and dysphagia its too attributed to psychogenic causes.
Sticking of food has many causes , GERD is one of it
Other are acahlasia esophageal tumors , webs, spasm, stricture,
As endoscopy was normal so it can be due to GERD
For that PPIs and antacids are advised diet modification are also helpful
Avoid coffee spicy foods carbonated drinks.
You can discuss these options with your doctor.
let me know if you have any query
Please consult your doctor before taking any further course of action
wishing you best of health
Dr M.S Khalil
Detailed Answer:
Hello again.
I am sorry for your distress.
Your previous complaints didnt include excessive gas as a symptom but any way excessive gas may be due to multiple factors it can be due to either swallowing air when eating or the diet you are having e.g diary products certain sugar and starch artificial sweetners sorbitol etc some people are more sensitive and they produce more than normal gas , excessive gas signify that food is not digesting completely the gut flora is also very important regarding that.
Medical conditions like GERD , irritable bowl syndrome these can too cause bloating flatulence and belching
Inflammation of GI track comes under inflammatory bowl disease which include chron disease and ulcerative colitis
These diseases have symptoms , diarrhea with excessive mucous and diarhrea with blood respectively for diagnose colonoscopy is done.
Please consult your doctor before taking any further course of action
Wishing you best of health
let me know if you have any query
Dr M.S Khalil