Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
Can you please upload the
mammogram report that is concerning you.
Firstly, fibrocystic breasts are very common, and they are quite harmless.
The commonest reason is hormonal imbalance, and at 41, you would be prone to having them, as you would be approaching
menopause in a few years.
There are no specific reasons to pinpoint who is more susceptible, but yes, it does run in families.
The risk of
breast cancer is minimal, less than 5 % of women who have fibrocystic breasts will go on to develop a malignancy.
So please do not worry.
Reducing processed fats and processed dairy products in your diet will help.
Cutting back on coffee and reducing your weight to maintain an ideal BMI is a must.
Also, exercise regularly and you can take
Vitamin E and evening primrose oil supplements, as they have been proven to be of benefit.
As you transit into menopause, this issue would assume lesser importance, as it is hormonal related, and after menopause, it generally improves.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.