What Causes Fibroid Microscopic Hematuria?
Very worried.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for posting your query in healthcaremagic.com
This is Dr. Swarnava dattagupta answering your query.
I understand your concern.
See, firstly, fibroids are common and incidental findings in females. Generally fibroids do not cause much symptom and even if there is symptoms, hematuria is quite uncommon. It may be vaginal bleeding which is associated with fibroids and may get mixed with the urine sample while collection. If this is the cause of hematuria then another sample should be taken at first and according to the report, further management can be decided.
Next, another reason can be in large fibroids, there is pressure effect over the bladder or more commonly over the ureters. This can lead to obstruction in the flow of urine and may lead to stone or hydronephrosis and microscopic hematuria can occur.
Well, hematuria means blood in urine and microscopic means not visible but there is presence of blood. It seems like these two are not related. Microscopic hematuria can also result from some stone, mass in kidney or urinary tract and some chronic infections of the urinary tract.
You need not worry so much as of now. Treatment depends upon treating the cause. So,
get an USG lower abdomen done.
get another urine analysis done as told above.
Till then, take plenty of water orally.
Go to ER or consult your Gynaecologist in case of any emergency.
Hope i have answered your question.
If you have any further questions i will be happy to help.
I do have a 1cm fibroid which was diagnosed last year. I was also told I have an ovarian cyst, but very small that will shrink into the menopause. I'm still menstruating regularly like in my younger years, but I do get a couple of days where I am really heavy and pass clots of blood. I've also bought to the attention of my GP last year that I smell a kind of blood smell mid cycle, like an iron smell. Is there any more cause for concern?
Detailed Answer:
Hello again.
See, a 1cm fibroid is unlikely to be a cause of hematuria.
Get another report done and the USG done.
It will rule out other causes and also will tell you about the present condition of the ovarian cyst.
And yes, around menopause, there can sometimes be irregular bleeds or clots coming out. If the amount is not very much, its OK. Better to do a blood for Hb%. Its normal level will mean things are fine. Take mefenemic acid if the periods are very painful.
And mid cycle iron like smell does not seem much of a concern also. Just tell this to your gynaecologist when you visit him/her.