What Causes Foul Smell From Tonsils And Painful Bump Underneath The Armpits?
both may be infective but unrelated
Detailed Answer:
I am Dr Sriram Nathan, an ENT surgeon and I will try to help you out with your problem.
You need to know that even if both tonsils and your arm pit problems have started at the same time, there is unlikely to be any relation between them. Tonsils are situated in the neck and they drain into nodes in the neck. In effect this means that any problem in the tonsils, you are likely to get swelling in the neck only and nowhere else.
Your arm pit swelling seems likely to be a node swelling or a sebacious cyst swelling which is very common in this area. This further can be a primary infection or secondary to any infection in the said area.
In any case since you may require a course of antibiotics and analgesics for your problem you need to consider these to cater your problem:
-Get an ENT consult and make sure that the tonsils are not infected. If they are you need to start on a good antibiotic in consultation with your doctor.
-Tonsils may also smell bad if you have reflux problem, so you need to start anti reflux medications like pantoprazole. Your doctor will know about this.
-You may need to do additional tests like throat swab to get a proper diagnosis which your ENT will know in any case.
-Although your ENT will definitely examine the arm pit and confirm that this is not related to the tonsils, it is my advice that you must also consult a General Surgeon who can properly guide you on the nature and treatment of the swelling.
-The Surgeon will even consider doing additional tests such as needle aspiration cytology or even biopsy to get a proper diagnosis.
-Take only non spicy and non cold food and fluids to get a good control on your tonsils and reflux problems
-Finally, if you are getting recurrent episodes of tonsil infections and they are definitely enlarged you can consider removal by a simple surgery called Tonsillectomy. I have myself done more than three thousand such surgeries and let me assure you that it is simple and safe and yields good results.
Hope this helps and if you have any more doubts you can always get back to me
Dr Sriram Nathan