What Causes Greenish Veins In The Calf?

I have a green like visible vein behind my calf, i am only 25 years old and I have inserted a picture for a specialist to have a look, i only noticed it last week when i was sitting out did not cause me any discomfort it is not swollen but it is light green colour. there is nothing like this on my other calf. I am 13 and a half stone fairly healthy, What are my options to get this back to normal how it should be? exercise? obviously I want to back to how my other calf is i am to young for these problems? how can i strengthen my valves I want to get rid of that appearance?
Greenish Veins in the Calf?Under Investigation
Detailed Answer:
Provisional Impression-Greenish Veins in the Calf?Under Investigation
Hi,Dear,Welcome for your query to My Virtual Clinic.
I reviewed your query and your updated photograph in context of the sub-questions and health concerns you have.
I would expect more information as follows before I could comment on your health concerns-
Which side of the Leg is affected by visible veins on the calf-Right or Left?
What is your height?
How frequently you exercise?
What is your job-sedentary or hard working?How long you work on your feet?
Hope that the Calf Picture is with knee on top and foot on the lower side of your leg?
Update Any other illness you had in the past of that Leg?
Update Any past medical illness of the abdomen/or chest?
Update Any lab / radiological test reports of the past illnesses?
Do you have any constipation/ or Asthma ?
Await your above information soon.
Welcome for any further query or information in regard to this issue.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist in Abdomen/Chest and Vascular diseases.

My height is 5 ft 8, exercise has been limited of late my job I am usually just seated for around 8 hours in the day it is a desk job I have been massaging with oil walking around but there is a blue appearance vein behind the calf just on the side.
The picture I have provided is from behind my calf I am standing just how you want it no other health problems. No constipation it does not look varicose and is on the left side on the right part of the calf. No health problems
Greenish Veins on the left Calf?Under Investigation.
Detailed Answer:
Provisional Impression-Greenish Veins on the left Calf?Under Investigation.
Hi,Thanks for the updates.
I reviewed these updates in context of your query and picture.
My Primary Impression -(after review with picture and last reply updates)-
Based on the facts of the updated information of the last reply,
Prima Facie you seem to have superficial engorged popliteal veins on medial side of the left calf.
I would need further information on finer points as follows-
How Long you have this complaint in the left calf?
Since how long you have been massaging with oil?
After getting the above updates,it would be possible to plan more suggestions on your queries.
Await your information on the above queries.
Welcome for any further query or information in regard to this issue.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist in Abdomen/Chest and Vascular diseases.

I want to know how I can get rid of this problem?
Does it look like a varicose vein to your sir?
Please give me a detailed answer into how I can get rid of this problem sir thanks
Chronic Venus Insufficiency with Left Calf Superficial Engorged Veins.
Detailed Answer:
Impression after Review of your last updates-
Chronic Venus Insufficiency with Left Calf Superficial Engorged Veins.
Hi,thanks for the patient updates from You, for getting the exact data to plan suggestions best suited to your case.
I reviewed all the updates in context of your query and your picture.
-Based on these facts and my expert studied observations,My replies are as follows-
*My Impression of the Greenish Veins -is as follows-
Chronic Venus Insufficiency with Left Calf Superficial Engorged Veins/ Under Investigation,which needs further Investigation as detailed below.
*Cause of this problem of yours-
After review of all the facts of your query,these problems are due to the sedentary nature of your job,accompanied by your overweight body built.
*My replies for all your queries are as follows-(Question wise answers)
1-I noticed this nearly two weeks ago when I sat down and have massaged it a few times since then. I never noticed before and had no problems before when I noticed it, and was then when started worrying?
Ans-It seems that you are having obsession and Anxiety for not to have Cosmetic and complications out of these Greenish Veins on left calf.
As this complaint is of short duration for 2 weeks,indicates of the incompetent Short saphenous left leg veins,though you may be having CVI-Chronic Venous Insufficiency for a long time, being Asymptomatic you could not notice till 2 weeks back.
2-let me know if this is serious?-
My Impression of your Greenish Veins-
Ans-It seems to be Chronic Venous Insufficiency-of the Short Saphenous Veins with engorged superficial popliteal veins on left calf.
Which Could / or may become serious if not treated and if proved as Incompetent perforator valves,connecting the superficial popliteal vein with its deep Short saphenous Vein.
For this I would suggest Venus Competency study -by Duplex USG with Color Doppler - Study.
Besides This theses engorged veins ,without any complaints may be suggestive of DVT of the Deep Short Saphenous Vein,which needs to be ruled out by these investigations.
3-And how it will get better as this is my last follow up question please?
Ans-I would suggest you to have Duplex USG study with Color Doppler Study of the left leg Veins with concentration on Left Short Saphenous Veins and its perforators connecting with Superficial popliteal veins on left calf.
.-Keep ME updated after Duplex USG study with Color Doppler for venous and arterial flow,to rule out –Incompetent valves / its location-below knee / or above knee .I would love to help you out in planning further care by conservative / or non-invasive treatments or invasive treatment plans to suit exactly for the defects you have.
4-Cause of your Greenish Veins of left Calf-
Ans-CVI with Chronic Compartmental Syndrome due to overweight body (by 25 %=17 kg),is causing more strain on your Leg venous System,but with clinical venous engorgement causing Green Veins on left calf ONLY and not on the right calf.
This is because of the loaded recto-sigmoid colonic loop,pressing more on left iliac vein and its long saphenous and short saphenous tributeries.
5-I want to know how I can get rid of this problem?-
Ans-This would depend on the findings of the Duplex USG with Color Doppler Study of the Left Leg Short and long Saphenous veins with study of the Left iliac veins and left femoral veins.
6-Does it look like a varicose vein to your sir?-
a-It does suggest and indicates Venus insufficiency.
b-About Varicose Veins-I would keep my fingers crossed on this question,as its exact answer can be given only after you update Me on the Doppler Study of the left leg veins about the extent of the CVI-whether limited to Short Saphenous Vein / or with accompanied Long Saphenous Vein or its Femoral Veins connecting valve / or status of the left iliac veins, in comparison to your right sided counterparts of the venous system.
7-Please give me a detailed answer into how I can get rid of this problem sir thanks?
Ans-Plan of Treatment to get rid of it-
-After Assessment of the CVI of the left leg and left calf,
1-Conservative Treatment –
Weight Reduction
Rest /Elevation of limbs-to reduce long pressures
Avoid long standing n or sittings
Regular Exercises of walking / running/ cycling under control
With Venus Stockings /
Vit E 400 with
Horse Chestnut seed extract for toning superficial engorged veins / or spider veins
Cap Daflon for toning the vein walls of the engorged greenish veins of the left calf.
Reduction of Weight(17 kg overweight for your height-Target weight 68 -70 kg for your height)
/ and Controlled Fast Walking under cover of your treating doctor with periodic checks for further care / and plans to suit the tailer made needs of your leg veins.
-Cycling/Walking/Abdominal toning exercises-would tone up the venus circulation
This would prevent further progress of the greenish engorgement of the left calf veins.
2-If Incompetent Valves of the perforators are found-
For Short Saphenous and large veins incompetency
a-EVLT-Endo-Venous Laser Treatment with embolization or sclerotherapy with foam balls
b-or with Polyviynyl embolisation with spring coils, would fix the defects of incompetent effectively and is the well accepted advanced treatment-and is a Gold Standard for Varicose Veins.
Decision on this would be taken under guidance from Surgeon / and Vascular Surgeon with Venus treatment expertise
8-Which doctor to Consult for proper guidance in this case of yours?
Ans-For this you need to consult your Surgeon teamed with Vascular Specialist with Venus Treatment expertise.
Hope this reply would help you to plan treatment of your Greenish Veins on left calf and reduce your worry and anxiety related with health issues of this query.
Welcome for any further query in this regard,before I close this reply from my end.
Will appreciate your writing excellent feedback review and comments to help those needy patient visitors like you at My HCM Virtual Clinic.
Wishing your fast recovery to you.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist in Abdomen/Chest and Vascular diseases and
NCD disorders(Non-Curable-Diseases)

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