What Causes Growing Lump On Spine?
i noticed a lump on my spine a while ago
its under the skin
it started out the size of a pimple and has gotten a bit bigger
there is no pain
has not changed my level of activity
except for feeling it i would not know its there
no back pain or pain in that area
any real concern?
Sebaceus cyst is most probable. No reason to concern.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the query.
This lump is most likely a sebaceous cyst. This kind of lesion is build of capsule which produces whitish masses. It slowly and constantly gets bigger. It is benign lesion with zero risk of becoming a cancer. However it may get infected and turn into an abscess.
That is why, it is good to have it removed by a surgeon when its not infected. This procedure can be done with local anesthesia and small incision. It is important to remove whole capsule, otherwise it can regrow.
Please consult general surgeon or dermatologist. In case of doubts, soft tissues ultrasound can be done.
This lump should not be a reason to concern.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.
i also had a similar situation on the back of my shoulder that too eventually opened and drained
would there be any other symptoms if it was something more serious?
Thank you for your first answer. Much appreciated
also unlike my other cysts this one is embedded beneath the skin and does not seem like something that will come to a head or drain
Thanks again doctor for your answer. Much appreciated
Sebaceus cyst can appear in multiple areas.
Detailed Answer:
It is typical for sebaceous cysts to appear in multiply areas especially on back or head.
Only quickly growing lesion is what can be serious. If it does not change quickly, for sure its nothing to be worried.