What Causes Headache And Dry Cough After Having Unprotected Sex?
I want to get an hiv test but which would be the most accurate? I was a told a gen four/duo test would be conclusive after 28 days? is this true. And when is the soonest I could get a hiv pcr test, and which one i hear there are two. Also after the tests which would be 100% conclusive. And would i need to test again after. I wanna take the pcr test because of the early detection but would it be a final test. THANK YOU.
FDA-approved 4th-generation HIV antibody/antigen tests
Detailed Answer:
Hi, Welcome to HealthcareMagic,
HIV Nucleic acid amplification Test (NAAT) is now a days considered most reliable test to detect early HIV test. 1-3 weeks after infection, there will be enough viral material for a positive result.
FDA-approved 4th-generation HIV antibody/antigen tests, which detect both HIV antibody and the p24 antigen, which is part of the HIV virus.This test is considered most accurate. If the test is done after four week of exposure, no need to repeat the test.
Window period is time between potential exposure to HIV infection and the point when the test will give an accurate result. For 4th generation test it is 4 week.
HIV seroconversion is the time in which a person develops antibodies for HIV but does not yet test positive on an HIV antibody test. The most common symptoms include: tiredness, fever, sore throat, rash, headache, loss of appetite, aching muscles and joints, swollen lymph glands.
Seroconversion involves several symptoms that all start at the same time. Only having one or two of these symptoms is unlikely to be HIV. Also note that this is not confirmatory for HIV infection.
Only rash on your arm is not an indicative of HIV infection.
Hope this will clear your facts.
So 6 weeks ago I had sex with an female escort vaginal with protection. 3 days following I broke out in a lot of follitucits all over my chest. That day I sweated alot due to the work enviroment and was wearing several layers of cloths. Days following that I had one going headaches and hot flashes going on and off for about 5 weeks. The day after I had a brown spot moles on my penis. After seeing a doctor today he said it could possibly be a flat form of hpv.
2 weeks later i had sex with female escort again. vaginally. Condom broke and I had unprotected sex for about five minutes. Symptoms still lingered from first encounter. Then I had a rapid hiv test 27 days after my first incident which came out negative. That same day I met up with a girl who i was talking to online. We had unprotected sex. She told me proior that she had a lot of homo friends and wanted me to hang out with her and her friends at a bar. I declined. But we ended up having sex. Without protection I don't know what I was thinking. feeling uneasy because she said she had a lot of homo friends. She told me they were just friends and that she does not sleep with any of them. 2 days later i got that rash/bruise that i told you about. Now i'm nervious also have been having off and soreness of back of the throat since a 5 days after 1st incedent. that comes and goes till now. past 3 weeks ocassional diahreah. no fever that im aware of. Felt hot but when given the chance to take temp it was about 97.7-98.0. Are any of my symptoms indicitive of hiv. I'm i being overly paranoid. Just the thought can really make a wreck. 20 days left till i reach 28 days post exposure. I heard 4 weeks or 28 days is fine enough to get a valid test for the duo test. Thank you for your help.
wait for the results
Detailed Answer:
Hi, welcome again,
first episode of folliculitis all over chest, headache and flushes and the brown spot on penis is sure that these are not due to seroconversion, it may be due to work environment or something else. AS all these symptom started 3 days after first sex encounter.
Antibodies generally begin to appear within one to two weeks of exposure, and antibody concentrations (titres) continue to increase for several months thereafter. Seroconversion takes place within three weeks in most infected individuals.
your second unprotected sex was fifteen days after first one and third one was after 4 week of first one (on 27 th day, the day you tested negative).
Two days after third encounter you got bruise.
Sore throat and diarrhoea are only two symptom which started almost one week after first encounter (For first encounter you already tested negative).
So there are maximum chances that these symptoms are not due to seroconversion.
I will advise you, go for FDA-approved 4th-generation HIV antibody/antigen tests, four week after last encounter(unprotected sex). till then take symptomatic treatment.
The maximum chances that result would come negative as you have only bruise after that and other symptoms are almost one week after first sex for which you are already tested negative.
Hope this will clear your facts.