What Causes Headache, Nausea, Constant Stomach Pain And Heaviness In Chest?
As discussed.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
Noted your history of nausea, headache, stomach pains and heaviness in the chest.
The pain is constantly moving in different parts. Also noted your history of gall bladder removal.
Gas can cause bloating and flatulence, passing of flatus or eructations, (not mentioned, hence may not be present).
Heaviness in the chest along with nausea and pain in abdomen can be due to acidity related problems like GED (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and this can be very well seen in the Upper GI Endoscopy.
Ultrasonography is a preliminary investigations and CT scan of the abdomen is the ultimate investigations to get more information than ultrasonography.
The headache can be due to the problems discussed already and once the problems get resolved, headache may also get relieved.
If it does not, further investigations may be required such a CT/MRI of the brain.
You may please consult an MD Doctor- the Physician for clinical evaluation, examination and investigations to get the root cause/diagnoses so that a proper treatment can be instituted.He will also send you to the Specialist after taking his own decision.
I hope this answers your query, please feel free to ask for further relevant queries if you need to or if you feel that there is a gap of communication.