Question: Hello, I am a female turning 23 on April 12. I am having issues with
paresthesia and pain. I suspect it is the wisdom tooth but all the doctors say it does not cause anything besides tooth pain and pressure. The first time I went to the ER was March 20, 2014. I woke up suddenly with fast heartbeat and
numbness at back of head and neck. The fast heartbeat lasted for a few hours but the numbness was ongoing with headaches and pressure all around my head and jaw. I went to the ER that afternoon and everything turned out normal. They told me it was just paresthesia and gave me
Motrin for the pain. I took the Motrin for a few days and it only helped with the pain and helping me sleep, the numbness was less but still there. I decided to see a
dentist on March 27 and had a lot of xrays done but was told the only thing related to the wisdom tooth is the pressure on the teeth. The xray showed that half of my lower right wisdom tooth is erupted from the gum, the left one is also out but under the gum and the upper two are still inside. The dentist cleaned my right wisdom tooth for temporary relief. I was told that I should remove my wisdom teeth but that it wasn't an emergency. When I got out of the office the numbness traveled to my lower back.
I scheduled a cleaning for April 3. The numbness went away two days before that so I thought everything was resolved. When I went in for the cleaning, the right side of my mouth was cleaned and I had two fillings put in two of the upper molars. There was a bit of pain but everything was fine and I went home. The next morning I woke up feeling weak, nauseous and my vision blacked out for a few seconds. I felt sick the whole day and felt like I will black out again. I had headaches all day with tooth pain and couldn't sleep or eat. Eventually I felt my right side go numb from my head to neck and arm the morning after. I went to the emergency room that day and after many tests including brain MRI, nothing was found and I was sent home. I had a burning pain at the back of my head, neck and shoulders and felt my neck, jaw and lower back of my head were heavy and swollen. The numbness spread through all my body and I began to have
shock pains slowly traveling in random places. My neck felt swollen and heavy and whole body including my face felt numb. The right side of my body was more numb than the left. I called my dentist and explained everything but was told it wasn't tooth related. I couldn't eat or sleep without feeling sick so I waited until the next morning. I went to the ER again and was there for 12 hours while they looked at my previous tests and did a neck MRI. I was later seen by a
neurologist that day and had tests done but still nothing. They still said it was paresthesia and that everything is normal so they don't know why it's happening. I was given something to help me sleep and sent home after a long day. I still had random pains and all the symptoms continued but I was able to sleep from the medicine that night. I woke up in the morning and it felt like I was getting better, I only started to have a lot of pressure on my teeth and the numbness was less. Throughout the day, everything started to come back but felt worse and my mouth felt more numb with my neck and throat. There was an odd taste in my mouth and it felt like something was on my chest but I was breathing normally. I haven't been able to eat much all day and I kept waking up from sleep. When I lay down or sit for a while it feels like I have no feeling but when I move I can move normally. Right now I'm having more pressure in my jaw, numbness around the face, head and neck. I feel like my face is a bit swollen as well as my throat. I am waiting to call an oral surgeon to have my teeth removed but I am not sure if they are the problem. One of my family members who is a doctor has told me that they and other doctors they talked to all said it could be due to migraines and wisdom tooth. My mother and aunt have told me the same and that they had the same thing happen to them except it did not make their whole body go numb. I know this is a long question but I just want to make sure everything is known. Is it possible that wisdom teeth are causing this? It seems like the only explanation since all the tests were normal. I haven't been able to do anything and I just want to know what is causing this. I would appreciate your input on this. Thanks.