What Causes High Levels Of Ferritin?
I would like a doctor to help analyise my lab results which show high levels of ferrition, IGM & MPV.
I have a history of gastritis.
My current symptoms: extreme fatigue, daily sore throat with gurgling in my esophagus. Frequent need to go to the toilet, weight-loss and some days with a general feeling of unwell.
24 hours after drinking alcohol I feel tenderness in my lower abdomen, either side and just above my belly bottom. this pain can become more severe and spreads across my entire torso, causing my body to feel tender to touch and can last three days. the alcohol also seems to effect my lymph nodes under my arms and especially in my lower abdomen / genital area. (I notice this only occurs after a certain amount of units and is lessoned if I stay hydrated).
Haemochromatosis or Chronic diseases like RA
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking Health care magic forum.
I have gone through your query.High levels of ferritin is associated with conditions like hemochromatosis an Iron storage disorder or in chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis( RA )or even in liver diseases and some type of cancer.
A high MPV with low platelet count is there then it denotes destruction of platelets which can be from spleen also.This even gives a support of haemochromatosis.
As there is liver enlargement in haemochromatosis alcohol can be tolerated badly also.As you have gastritis addition to that, alcohol irritates stamach and give the symptoms you listed.
A diagnostic work up by a physician is necessary.Ultrasound abdomen should be done to find out the condition of liver and spleen.A CT scan will be needed in case of any doubtful findings in ultrasound.
Hope this may help you.Let me know if anything not clear.
I also believed that the liver function tests shown in the lab results I've sent show this is ok?
Rule out rheumatoid arthritis
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your follow up.
If your liver and spleen is fine then nothing to worry.How is your ESR(erythrocyte sedimentation rate)?If it is high then you can suspect an active rheumatoid arthritis or other inflammatory disorders.Then you should get RA factor and ANA profile.
Can you send me the complete blood analysis if you have done?Your lymph nodes should be checked for enlargement also.Bone marrow biopsy might be needed to be done also.
Hope this may help you.Let me know if anything not clear.
Lab reports are normal
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your follow up.
Your lab reports looks normal. Ferritin is slightly elevated and MPV but it is not so significant as all others are normal.Your ESR also normal.So there is no sign of inflammatory conditions.
Your problems are most likely due to gastritis.Even continuous sore throat can be due to gastro esophageal reflux.Get stick on to non irritating diet.Avoid alcohol.I recommend a long term therapy with proton pump inhibitors like Rabeperazole.Anti emetic domperidone should be continued for 1 month if heartburn is there.
You can repeat your ferritin level and MPV after 3 months again.
Hope this may help you.Let me know if anything not clear.Wishing you good health.