What Causes Intermittent Severe Pain In Stomach, Mid-back, Neck, Chest And Head?
Acute Headache with back, Chest pain with debility/Under Investigation
Detailed Answer:
Provisional Impression-
Acute Headache with back, Chest pain with debility/Under Investigation
Hi,Welcome with your query to HCM Virtual Clinic.
On the basis of the facts of your query,I would be more glad if you update me with more information as follows-
When did you get the 1st and last attack of such a pain?
Any nauses /vomiting with it?
Any visual blackouts,dizziness,convulsions,weakness in limbs?
Is this attack related to your diet?Anxiety?
Do you get enough 8 hrs rest?
What's your job work/ and life style in short?
How many cups of tea/or coffee you take in a day?
Is it related with your partying or , with alcohol,smoking etc?
What is your Age/sex and weight?
What sort of diet you like?nonveg,spicy or veg,salty?
Are you on any medicines currently?or in the past?
Update any past or current medical history of illnesses and drugs notes and doctors notes.
Before the next session,please update me above information,so as to plan
suggestions for you, so as to come out of this problem.
Suggestions to help you in the meanwhile till your problem is worked out-
-Restrict to Bland and non-spicy /steamed non fried food in low volumes/servings.
-Restrict on your smoking etc,
-Take enough 8 hrs sleep.
Awaiting to get this information soon.
Good day.
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist.
I also feel dizzy when it happens and my legs and right side are weak and have difficulty moving
Untreated Hypertension with Impending Stroke with Diabetes?
Detailed Answer:
Provisional Impression-Systolic High BP with Migraine with multiple risks.
Revised Impression-(After Update review)-
Complicated case of Hypertension with Diabetes with Drug Induced Stomach Pain/nausea (due to painkillers like Tylenol,Excedrin) with Impending Stroke
My Diagnosis-Untreated Hypertension with Impending Stroke with Diabetes?
Hi,Dear,thanks for the updates.
Sorry to keep you waiting, and for the late reply,as it was Sunday followed by busy Monday Morning Schedule.
I reviewed your query in context of your updates.
I would suggest you to URGENTLY consult your Physician,which is why you have all this problems and due to self medication as found from your query data and list of OTC-painkillers you take.
Explanation for your complaints-
All these symptoms are all due to the labile hypertension,with Headache due to stress of your job at 53 yrs.
As you have family history of stroke/heart attack/ diabetic/ and suffer from mild diabetes- for which you don't seem to be on any antidiabetic medicines,you should not self medicate, and consult your ER Physician,if you feel dizzy with weakness in right side,as submitted in your updates.
Stomach pain and nausea is due to drug induced NSAID-Gastritis.(painkiller gastritis)
You seem to have clot in the legs(?DVT),but don't appear to be on any treatment with it.
Revised Impression-
Complicated case of Hypertension with Diabetes with Drug Induced Stomach Pain/nausea(due to painkillers like Tylenol,Excedrin) with Impending Stroke
Recent dizziness with weakness in right side with difficulty in moving the right side with limb weakness,suggests the Impending Stroke .
My Diagnosis-Untreated Hypertension with Impending Stroke with Diabetes?
Urgent Suggestions to act fast-
-Consult ER Physician who would take followoing steps-
-Get CT Brain scan, done
-Get Carortid angiography
-Start anti-diabetic treatment with help from your Physician.
-Proton D-to control Stomach pain and nausea to control drug induced Gastritis
-Start anti-hypertensive drugs.
Your Physician would take all the needful care of your's as suggested.
Hope I have replied your query to your satisfaction.This reply would help you to start the treatment with your doctors and to come out of this complicated Hypertension with diabetes case.
Welcome for any further query in this regard,which I would love to attend,so as to help you out from this messed hypertension with diabetes.
Will appreciate you hitting thanks and writing excellent review comments to help needy patient visitors like you, at HCM.
Wishing your fast recovery.Act fast urgently.
Good Day!!
With Regards,
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist