What Causes Joint Pain, Difficulty Breathing And Vomiting After Having Orgasm?
checked for cortisol too, that too came normal.
Please help me to get rid of this.....
Need thorough examination.
Detailed Answer:
welcome to HCM.
I will try to help you , but as it is a difficult to manage syndrome online, kindly excuse me. XXXXXXX POIS is more psychological disease than organic. But before actually passing on the case for psychological counselling, patient needs to be thoroughly examined by the doctor. He needs to undergo certain tests, which you seem to have already done. Again those reports need to be evaluated by the qualified doctor only and not by oneself on the basis of reference values of the lab.
I have few suggestions, may be they work for you.
1. try avoiding ejaculation when you do not have enough time to rest.
2. try a paracetamol or diclofenac 30min prior to intercourse
3. try a sitalopram before intercourse
4. try a course of b12, vitamin D, levocarnitine, Omega 3 fatty acids.
If nothing works, see your doctor personally with all your reports.
The all tests are observed by my doctors and said its normal. I already on course of vitamin d3 b12 and cod liver oil tablets. is that something I should ask my doctor to run some other test
no there are no specific tests for POIS
Detailed Answer:
Dear sir, if you are already seeing a doctor, and he/she says all is good, then you may try any of the suggested plans.
The doctor at my place do not agree that I have pois. They doing lot of test and nothing is rule out. I am literally exhausted of doing all the test nothing is there. so only seeking the help from health care magic. kindly let me whether anyother test I have to carry out so that I will let my doctor know or please direct me to right doctor.
No more tests are recommended
Detailed Answer:
As I have previously stated, no more tests are required as no test is a pointer to POIS.
If all reports are normal, please try any of the suggested methods.
If you need to see another doctor , see any XXXXXXX