What Causes Left Sided Chest Pain Under Collar Bone?
character is atypical. need details.
Detailed Answer:
Dear madam
A sharp localized pain is not a characteristic of anginal pain. However further details of pain will help in elaborating it.
If pain increases or occurs on touching or pressing locally, bone or soft tissue pain is more likely. If it comes on deep inspiration or cough and is associated with cough, fever or breathlessness it is more likely to be from lungs. A pain from nearby joints will be precipitated by particular movement. S pain of heart will increase by exertion/ exercise/ stress, it will be difficult to localize, and relieves by rest. Pain lasting for less than minute or sharp pains are not anginal.
Pain of pericarditis have mixed features. It is increased by cough, deep inspiration and lying down. It may be associated with breathlessness.
If your pain has any of associated features do see your physician. Also visit your GP if pain persists, increases or is associated with bothersome symptoms. A final diagnosis can be made only after examination.
Feel free to discuss further.