What Causes Left-sided Stinging Pain In Lower Rib Cage?
Muscular pain.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome To HCM. I am Dr Anshul Varshney. I understand your concern.
Such kind of pain is mostly due to :
1. Muscular chest pain.
2. Costrochondritis.
3. Impending herpes zoster.
Now at your age we should first of all rule out any evidence of cardiac issues with any type of chest pain reason being that we can't afford to miss that.
So get a Chest Xray to rule out any evidence of fracture or pleural effusion that can also cause this kind of pain sensations.
For muscular pain and costrochondritis I would advice you to do hot fomentation of the affected area and apply Diclofenac and methol containing over the country gels locally.
Since the pain is not severe I would not recommend use of any oral pain killers.
A lot many times we also see such early pain and burning sensation in case of impending herpes zoster infection.
So in case you develop any skin lesions see your doctor immediately.
I hope the information helps you.
If you have any further query, please ask me.
Stay Healthy.
My daughter 20 had a similar paining experience - it was diagnosed as a case of 'Costrochondritis' but she is so skinny and was in great pain.
It is not a chest pain - what if it is abdominal or to do with the organs in that area - what would be the symptoms ?
Muscular or Chostrochondritis
Detailed Answer:
As discussed your pain pattern is suggestive of Costrochondritis or Muscular pain.
Since it is on left side, it is very unlikely to be due to any abdominal organs issue. Mostly gall bladder issues presents with chest pain and acidity but on right chest of the chest.
I hope you find the information helpful.
Stay healthy.