What Causes Linea Alba Between Teeth In Cheeks And Leukoplakia Inside Lower Lip?
I have some raised line between teeth in cheeks and a small white line in lower lip that is inside, I went to a dentist, said linea XXXXXXX and nothing to worry, but an ent told me about leukoplakia...I am tensed what to do
Leukoplakia will diaappear if causative agent removed .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query.
I have read your query and understand your concern.
As per your clinical history it appears that you are most probably having linea XXXXXXX between teeth in cheeks & leukoplakia inside on lower lip . Kindly upload pictures to help you better .No need for too much concern .
Leukoplakia will diaappear if causative agent removed . Leukoplakia is not a cancer & only 5% has malignant potential if causative agent continue .
If I were your treating Doctor for this case , I would advice
stop causative agents like tobacco &
Use multivitamin multimineral antioxidant syrup like zincovit syrup twice daily to promote healing.
You will get relief .
Hope this information helpful to you .If you have any further questions I will be happy to help.
In my opinion , you are most probably having linea XXXXXXX only .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow up query.
I have read your query , seen your picture , reviewed your medications and understand your concern.
In my opinion , you are most probably having linea XXXXXXX between teeth in cheeks & inside on lower lip . No Leukoplakia seen , hence no need to worry .
I would advice ,
stop smoking &
you can take ZINCOVIT TABLETS twice daily to promote healing.
You will get relief .
Hope this information helpful to you .
Thank you very much for replying,
I am very much worried, and I went for a second opinion to a dentist and he said the same as you wrote, but gave a different medicine for which i have attached the photo.
Should i take the prescribed medicine or zincovit and for low long, also please let me know how may days will this take to disappear.
I am having panic strokes whenever i think of these lines or what ever they are called.
I hope these will get ok.
Thanks for your help
You can take any one multi vitamins tablet effect will be same .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow up query.
You can take any one multi vitamins tablet effect will be same . It will take 4-6 weeks to disappear .
After reading your all queries , i think you will need the help of psychiatrist to deal with such tension condition . Hope you understand .
Wish you good health .