What Causes Loose Bowels After I Eat?
alike. For the last 4 months, my stool is dark brown. According to pasted exams, I have spenomegaly and a slight enlargement of the liver. I get tired of being embrassed of having to go to the bathroom every 10-15 minutes after I eat for at least 1 1/2 hours. The last of the discharge is mostly water. I am so tired of this. I have seen 4 doctors and they say everything is normal. How can it be normal when I am in the bathroom every 10-15 minutes emptying out my guts. Thanks for responding.
COULD, WHATEVER I HAVE, BE THE CAUSE OF MY HAIR FALLING OUT? IT'S TOO THIN. I have never taken hormones of any kind and I feel that this could be one of the causes, but again, only you can tell me.
My diarrhea symptoms are so stressful, I do not want to go anywhere and it kind of frustrates my husband sometimes, especially when we go out to eat. He knows I have these symptoms, yet he likes to go out to eat. HELP ME!
Need more detailed history
Detailed Answer:
Hi, thanks for using Healthcare magic.
I went through your query and understood your concerns.
Bowel movements after each meal is a natural phenomenon, which is due to gastro colic reflex, when ever you eat, colon movements starts. But bowel movement in every 15 min is need to be concerned. Your medications are know to cause increased bowel movements to such an extent , first we need to evaluated for other medical causes.
I need few more details about your history to help you in a better way. Since when are you suffering from this? was it sudden onset or gradual ? Any foul smell in your stool? Blood stain or maroon colour?
Have you changed your diet ? Or any associated thing during onset of these symptoms.
Hair fall most common cause is protein deficiency , could be due to repeated bowel movements.
Get back to me with these details to help you in a better way.
Irritable bowel syndrome
Detailed Answer:
Hi, thanks for follow up query.
Increased bowel movements doesn't always mean loss of nutrients. Yes definitely there will be reduced time for vitamins and nutrients to get absorbed, but most of the absorption takes place in upper part of intestine. If you are taking enough balanced diet , that will be sufficient .
With your description of symptoms there are two possibilities . One would be irritable bowel syndrome and other one intolerance to some food ingredient.
You can try finding out by excluding single food ingredient in your food and observe for change in your symptoms. If you can able to find out , then by avoiding a particular ingredient helps to control your symptom.
As far as the hair fall is concerned, you can try supplements such as biotin forte for 2-3 weeks.
Hope I answered your query. Feel free to ask further related query.