What Causes Loss Of Cervical Lordosis?
And possible treatment for this.
It's bad only if symptoms also correlate with it.
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through the query.
I want to clear you the most important point that, only if MRI Says loss of lordosis it does not means its bad, its bad only if symptoms also correlate it like-
- pain radiating to the upper limbs,
- pins and needles, tingling in hands and fingers,
- dizziness, headaches, confusion, tinnitus etc.
I usually advise pain killers and muscle relaxants which will help to reduce pain and spasms of neck muscles.
So I'd advise you to have tab. Aceclofenac100mg+Thiocolchicoside 4mg twice a day by prescription of your family doctor as this medicine is not over the counter.
(Also visit orthopedic surgeon nearby you, he will do detail physical examination and act accordingly).
After the pain subsides do physiotherapy exercises aimed at strengthening the neck muscles and improvement of posture, there are many such exercises available on youtube.
If symptoms are not relieved then you can wear a cervical collar during day time.
Apply hot packs.
Avoid sitting prolonged duration in front of computer and prolonged XXXXXXX phone use.
I hope you got the point.
Thank you for reply.
I have numbness in my thumb and tingling effect in right hand from past 2 weeks now. But this did not affect my day work. I do excercise regularly at home now also.
Does it require surgery or it will get heal by any excecise.
I surely consult with specialist in coming week
But till that time I want to know what are the possibilities
Surgery only if daily routine work is affected.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the response my friend.
First of all you need physiotherapy and not exercise.
You can go for cervical traction.
Numbness and tingling sensation requires medicine like cap. pregabalin75mg+methylcobalamine750mcg at night in addition to previously prescription, this is also not over the counter , so you need prescription for that.
That's the reason I advise you to visit orthopedic surgeon.
Secondly, if there is no pain or you can do daily routine work easily, then there is no need of surgery.
Also get your fasting blood sugar levels checked, as diabetes can also cause or increase all these symptoms.
I hope you got the point.
Thank you for suggestion.
Good luck.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome my friend.
Good luck.
Enjoy the life.