What Causes Lower Abdominal Pain, Back Pain And High BP?
I have been using cocaine as a recreational drug for the past 6 months now. I have never had any major health concerns prior to this. My concerns have to do with a tightness I have been feeling in the lower left quadrant abdominal area along with some intermittent dull pain in the lower left back area. It seems that my blood pressure has already increased from being in the optimal range to 141/96 now. I do feel some heart palpitations as well, however this is infrequently and I'm not sure whether this has to do directly with the drug abuse or the anxiety from these others symptoms. On one occasion I have woken up with cloudy vision which subsided later in the day. Today, as I'm writing this I have been feeling light headed for the last 2-3 days. I am concerned that my blood pressure is still high and this is the result of the light headedness.
Now, I would like to consult a specialist who has background in this area and who can give me an idea of what is taking place, what I should do, what I can expect long term consequences of this to be, and or anything else related to this matter. I have now stopped and do not plan to indulge again. I am in my late 30's and otherwise a healthy fit person. Your counsel would be much appreciated.
Withdrawal symptoms are a possible, rule out Postural hypotension
Detailed Answer:
It is commendable that you have been able to stop the habit.
Your symptoms are most likely due to the cocaine withdrawal as it has a number of physical withdrawal symptoms. But nothing to worry, as you stick hard and strong against it you will see all become alright within a month or so.
For your Blood pressure, light headedness and eye problems I suggest you see a Physician who can examine you and run basic investigations to rule out other causes of your Hypertension and related symptoms.
There should not be any long term symptoms of the addiction once you quit and stay that way.
You should switch to a salt restricted diet to help decrease your blood pressure. Also, your Physician will need to rule out Postural Hypotension which is a sudden drop of blood pressure on getting up from lying or sitting position,
If you want advice about addiction therapy, you would need to see a Psychiatrist who specializes in this field. But, first you should see a Physician for the physical symptoms that you are having and since you have already done the difficult task of quitting the offending drug.
So take care, keep the faith and the future is very bright.
Even if the Physician puts you on medication it need not be life long and it can be stopped once the BP and your symptoms are controlled.
Feel free to ask any queries that might arise in your mind and I will try my best to answer them.
Thank you for answering back. Also for privacy reasons, please do not reference my email, or account name in our conversation.
My blood pressure has remained high over the last 2 weeks. If I visit a GP, what sort of testing will he/she do in order to rule out other causes of hypertension? Would you suggest I see a doctor or go to the hospital?
As mentioned at the moment I have tightness in my chest and a little tenderness in the lower left quadrant area along with feeling light headed. My concern is that I might have damaged my kidney and this is the reason I am experiencing these symptoms. Is there anything that I can do to rule out any kidney impairment?
Again, thank you for your time.
Yes, I am mentioning tests in the answer.
Detailed Answer:
If you get investigated for Hypertension your Doctor would some Blood and urine tests and probably an Ultrasound of your abdomen to see your kidneys and also an eye checkup.
You can see a Doctor or go to a hospital whichever is convenient to you. It should not make much difference in the management.
As far as the damage to the kidneys is concerned, as long as you are passing urine normally and dont have swelling in your feet and ankles you should be fine. In either case, when a Doctor investigates you for Hypertension kidney function tests and Ultrasound for the kidneys would be done so you would know right away as to whether your kidneys are functioning well or not.
The tests required to look for kidney disease are Blood Urea/ BUN and Creatinine.
You can let me know the test results as they are done if you need further advice towards your treatment.
Take care,
I went to the hospital yesterday night and met with the GP who ran a few tests, ECG, blood, urine, all is normal, blood pressure was high 148/82. For the abdominal area, I will have to make another appointment. She gave me lorazepam as she believed that I was exhibiting some anxiety. Within an an hour my blood pressure was checked again and it was measured at 120/81, my headaches subsided and by the time I got home there was much less tension in my abdominal area, tightness in chest had become less as well.
From this interpretation, it appears to be the anxiety which is responsible for these symptoms, but in my belief these symptoms is which triggered the anxiety.
Ultimately I was given just one pill of lorazepam, is this just for temporary management or can I expect my BP to stay stable now?
Thank you very much thus far for your professional counsel.
One step at a time.
Detailed Answer:
Its temporary presently. But it also goes to say that the cause of your Hypertension was anxiety which could be due to the symptoms you were experiencing. So that is good news as the physical symptoms will slowly decrease as you stay off the offending drugs. And as the physical symptoms will decrease the anxiety will also not be there and therefore there would not be high BP. So, it will take some time for your BP to stabilize. One pill is not the permanent cure but slowly as the symptoms stop troubling you it will stabilize to its normal level.
It suggests that there is nothing wrong with your body and its all a temporary disturbance which is likely to settle down soon if you stay off the drugs.
Congratulations for staying off and keeping your will power high.
Lorazepam can be taken occasionally but not regularly. Take it only if you feel stressed or anxious. Its a prescription medication, so you will need another prescription from your doctor.
We are on the right track and lets wait for all investigation reports and if they are normal then we have nothing to worry about. Do let me know.
Take care,