What Causes Migraine, Fatigue, Swollen Fingers, Dizziness, Insomnia, Blackout And Vomiting?
Many causes for your symptoms
Detailed Answer:
I admire your positive outlook and congratulate you for the attitude
Now I guess you have migraine, fatigue, swollen fingers, dizziness, insomnia, blackout, vomiting etc. There are lots of pathological causes responsible for your problems. However, let me give my opinion here.
As per your clinical history is concerned let me first clarify whether you have following signs present when you stay alone.
1)Do you feel rapid pounding heart rate?
2)Do you sweat suddenly?
3)Do you feel shaking or trembling of hand?
4)Do you feel shortness of breath and tightness of throat?
5)Do you have abdominal pain and chest pain?
6)Do you have headaches, numbness and tingling sensation
Have you ever faced any two clinical symptoms when you are alone and how many times per month you face these problems?
Follow me with answers,
Hope this helps.
He gets depressed and lays in the dark.
Details below
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your question.
As per your description for his disorder please follow these steps and discuss with your treating doctor-:
1)Do a complete physical exam by your doctor
2)Check his fasting blood sugar, TSH, Liver function & Renal function test
3)Check his ECG & ECHO
4)Do psychotherapy by clinical psychologist to improve the symptoms which includes talk therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, which will take one month to three month time.
5)Medications which are used in this situation is sertraline, vanlafaxine, alprazolam etc
6)Do a regular exercise plan for it
So do not be worry at all start treatment soon and he will be 100% alright.
I hope I was able to address your query. If you have any further clarifications, please do not hesitate to write to me.
Wishing you all the best.