What Causes Mini Heart Strokes And Heart Fluttering?
Please, let him see a cardiologist!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this query. I am so sorry to hear about the XXXXXXX strokes that your friend has had.
Considering the information you have provided, your friend would need a complete evaluation by a cardiologist. This would look at the different possible predisposing factors for stroke which include heart abnormality, lipid disorders, clotting disorders, etc. He already has a heart rhythm problem which could explain why he is having these XXXXXXX strokes. This may warrant blood thinners like warfarin to prevent minor clots from being formed in the heart that would eventually cause stroke/mini strokes in the brain.
In all, the flutter is probably causing small clots in the heart that are responsible for these XXXXXXX strokes He would need blood thinner medications and a full evaluation for other risk factors by a cardiologist. Management would then be managed according to any other identified abnormalities.
I hope this helps. I wish you well. Thank you so much for using our services and please do feel free to ask for more clarifications and information if need be.
clotsfrom the heart go everywhere
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for following up with me.
Clots in the heart go to all the body, But because of the sensitive and fragile nature of the blood circulation in the brain], damage is more. Also, a small damage to the brain would cause significant symptoms while elsewhere like the legs, kidneys, etc there would be very little or no symptoms.
Hope this helps. Wish you well.